bigboss said:
Yes, knowing gel, he will return it.
Well bigboss, you turned out to be right, though I bet that even you didn't expect gel to cancel the order
before the item was even delivered!!
gel said:
I've cancelled the order, I think you guys are right
Gel, I can't keep up with you, and you have now surprised me, twice. First, in ordering the new LG 55EA980W curved OLED despite everybody telling you not to, and now, in cancelling the order, just as I was getting round to the idea.
I'm not sure which model of OLED it was that bigboss saw at the shootout in Leeds, so I don't know if it was the same as your model, but after you said that you had bought your OLED I went back to your link
(I selected under "Features" on the left hand side, "OLED".) Frankly, I am very surprised that your OLED, gel, the LG 55EA980W, to which Steve Withers gave such a good review, costs as little as £2K at Richer Sounds! Why is it so much cheaper than the other two LG OLEDs that Richer Sounds lists? What was its price at John Lewis?