New interconnect and CDP recommendations


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm looking to upgrade a few things re my 2nd system (i.e. new interconnect and CDP)

The system consists of:

NAD C355BEE amp, Monitor Audio RX2 speakers on Partington Super Dreadnought stands, Arcam CD72 CDP connected with a Chord CrimsonPlus interconnect to the amp and Chord Odyssey 2 speaker cable (using Chord Signature speaker cable jumper cables on the speakers).

I'm after a better CDP (preferably 2nd hand) that can offer great bass weight but a bit more mid/top end detail over the Arcam CD72. I'd like the budget to be under £300 (but maybe more as I can use the monies I get from selling the Arcam CD72)

In doing this I'm looking to upgrade the interconnect as well (would the Chord CobraPlus interconnect make a noticable difference or will I have to spend more etc...)?

Cheers [🙂]
What about a DAC instead of a new CDP. How about trying the Firestone Spitfire Mk2 as this will be cheaper than another CDP. Not sure how it will comapre to the CD72.

What about another CD192?
cant really comment on the cdp side of things, but i have used the crimson plus and currently use the cobra plus rca->din leads with my naim xs and they are superb, i would opt for the cobra plus over the crimsons, i even prefer the cobra plus over the chameleon silver plus.
Yeah I looked at the Chameleon Silver Plus but the 'silver' bit put me off

I think, IIRC, that the Chameleon cable was used when I demo'd the NAD C356BEE amp with the NAD C545BEE CDP and some QUAD 22L2 and M/A RX6 speakers and it was an overall bright sound. Still a lot of oomph but some music was a little harsh at the top end
I went from some Kimber 'Silver Streak' I/Cs about 6 months ago, to my current Atlas Titans. Very pleased with the change. Still detailed, but much improved in all areas over the brightness of the Kimber.
yep me too,

the cobra plus does'nt have the harshness and brightness of the chameleon silver plus but is still dynamic and punchy, just as detailed and much cheaper
What about a DAC instead of a new CDP. How about trying the Firestone Spitfire Mk2 as this will be cheaper than another CDP. Not sure how it will comapre to the CD72.

What about another CD192?

The record spot rates it (the Spitfire), but I found its predecessor could be a bit harsh. My V-DAC with the V-LPS is pretty dashed good.
Upgraditus cured

Arcam rDAC bought and running in already (Arcam DiVA CD72 being used as
the transport); Chord CobraPlus interconnects plugged in as well (x 2)

Demo'd the interconnects this morning and they made an immediate
difference over the CrimsonPlus stright away (deeper, tauter bass but
still with the Chord 'smoothness' etc...)

Demo'd the rDAC and that gave a superb upgrade on sound over the CD72;
just overall more detailed and punchier but took the slight edge of the
top end as well which I got with some music (i.e. Jethro Tull, Nat King
Cole... even some Massive Attack etc...)

Very happy hifi'er again

I have all 3 chord interconnects - crimson, cobra and chameleon silver plus. I found on my system the chamelon silver plus the best. I found the cobra a little slow in the timing the silver plus was faster and more detailed. The cobra is still a good cable though and it is a bit warmer in tonality.


Just 'won' a pair of Chord Cobraplus connectors on ebay for £34......(brand new).

They are very good, and a noticeable improvement over my old Merlin Mozart cable, which is still a very good one too.....
Very impressed with the Spitfire II DAC. For the money, it takes performance of the SA7001-KI forward. It delivers a clarity the stock CDP didn't deliver and music sounds as if a veil's been lifted. There's a fine midrange and bass is well extended without bloom. For £250, it's a steal but shop around, you might find it on a special offer still. Mine was £150, but other outlets might have it for £200. The CD72 will be fine as a transport. As for cables, well, save the money IMO - I use some basic ones. Get a bog standard optical cable from John Lewis (£10) and plug it into the Spitfire II. Job done. Sounds great.
interested by peoples comments in this thread. I went from a crimson plus to chameleon silver plus and noticed a huge difference. Im also using chord odyssey 2 for speaker cable and sometimes i think the sound is a little bright. Would a cobra plus help cure this do you think?