Very nice sir
Since I live in a very populated apartment complex, I have very bad power. So on a whim I tried a isotek evo3 polaris. It works on the small box components like my streamer, Roon chain, dac and preamp. Though I cant say it effected my power amps in any way. But the reduction in back ground noise was convincing enough. So I eventually plumped for a PSaudio P1200 pure power regenerator. It again cleaned it up quiet a bit more.
So after some more research, I found that a passive preamp, completely breaks the chain apparently. So nothing goes into the power amps but the pure sound signal. So I've since changed to a MFA passive preamp. And it sounds unbelievable. The level of detail and resolution is even more now, plus the noise floor has vanished completely. And the MFA had quite big shoes to fill, as it was replacing a T+A P1260R, which by itself, was no slouch
This is the cleanest sound I've ever had. Sorry for my idle rants
.. thought I'd share my findings since your goodselves are considering power treatments. All the best