FrankHarveyHiFi:BenLaw:FrankHarveyHiFi: There's a 99% chance I'm going to work later (I could be taken ill in the night), but that fact is known. But does that make the chance of me being taken ill 1%? Nope, because it will happen or it won't. 50/50. Er, no. Er, well we can disagree on that as it doesn't really matter anyway.
Well, you are wrong - mathematically (if there is a 50% chance of you developing an illness each day, you will be ill more days than you are well (if an illness lasts more than 1 day), and your employer would have sacked you by now). And having thought about it since my last post I realise this is the problem with your advice:
You are suggesting the OP do something which, at the least, may be irreversible (without cost) because of his/her lack of skill / inexperience. It may damage the speaker permanently, for the same reasons. You are representing that there is a 50% chance of this suggestion being a good thing, a 50% chance of it being a bad thing. That's patently wrong. There are only two outcomes (well, also a third, neutral, so no doubt you'd call that 33.3/33.3/33.3.....) but that does not equate to a 50% chance of a successful outcome. The OP has probably not attempted such an operation before, and you yourself admit the manufacturer would advise against this. Most importantly, this is mere speculation on your part; you have no idea of the chances of success, or better put, the risks involved and their chances of materialising. This is not something you say you've tried yourself before. Therefore your speculative advice risks the OP irreparably damaging a good set of speakers, where the chances of a positive outcome may be, for all you know, 10%, or 1%, or 0.1%. Perhaps best avoid wild speculation. And statistics.