gleaned from their site:
The limited edition Beresford Caiman is the accumulation of various modifications that were proven to enhance the standard TC-7520.
WM8716 - 64x, 192KHz oversampling DAC chip. The majority of high-end consumer DAC chips are only 8x oversampling types. The Caiman DAC chip is only matched or surpassed by the DSP based DAC chips. As far as we know, the Caiman is the first and only DAC that makes sole use of the latest 64x oversampling technology in an affordable consumer aimed product.
Filterless analogue circuit. There has been much debate as to how much damage is done to the audio signal by the various filtering networks that are found in a DAC. The new 64x oversampling technology used in the Beresford Caiman does not require the use of any anti alliasing filters. This makes the Caiman the first off thye shelf DAC on the market that does not use analogue filters in the audio signal path.
LM4562NA - Recording Studio specification audio operational amplifiers. The 64x oversampling technology requires a far higher slew rate from the audio chips in the signal path if the extra speed, detail, and accuracy of the decoded signal is to be maintained at the RCA/PHONO and headphone socket output of the Caiman.
Class-A headphone amplifier circuit. The new generations of high-end headphones have up to now only been able to operate properly on expensive stand-alone headphone amplifiers. The Caiman inbuilt headphone amplifier is designed to drive even the latest range of high-end headphones and reproduce musical detail that these new headphones are capable of.
Microsoft Windows 7 ready USB input.
Price of the Caiman is £200 and includes Postage & Packing
Also available without the external power supply to those who already have a TC-7520 power supply. Email us for an invoice that excludes the power supply.