drummerman said:I can't say anything about the Atlas Element but VdH have long made cables with a reputation for neutral or even neutral to warm balance. Personally I like their signature, most perhaps in the companies CS122 Hybrid speaker cable.
My personal favorites though are Profigolds Oxypure. A superbly made cable with a construction similar to Atlas's Mavros Ultra but at a fraction of its cost.
I use them in my cyrus system and never found them other than inaudible, unlike some others.
When I got them they were a little cheaper but even at £65 or thereabouts I think they represent very good value compared to some others.
There is a set of new/unused ones on ebay for a little less. Perhaps you can haggle the price down to £40 or so if interested (I am not the seller).
I can't post links on this forum but type Profigold Oxypure Phono/RCA cable and it should come up.