New Atlas element integra or second hand van den Hul D102 3T for the same price?


New member
Oct 21, 2008
I can buy a second hand van den Hul d102 with their latest 3T technologie or for the same price a new Atlas element integra which is product of the year. Which is better? I like a warmer sound without sharp and shrill highes.
I can't say anything about the Atlas Element but VdH have long made cables with a reputation for neutral or even neutral to warm balance. Personally I like their signature, most perhaps in the companies CS122 Hybrid speaker cable.

My personal favorites though are Profigolds Oxypure. A superbly made cable with a construction similar to Atlas's Mavros Ultra but at a fraction of its cost.

I use them in my cyrus system and never found them other than inaudible, unlike some others.

When I got them they were a little cheaper but even at £65 or thereabouts I think they represent very good value compared to some others.

There is a set of new/unused ones on ebay for a little less. Perhaps you can haggle the price down to £40 or so if interested (I am not the seller).

I can't post links on this forum but type Profigold Oxypure Phono/RCA cable and it should come up.
drummerman said:
I can't say anything about the Atlas Element but VdH have long made cables with a reputation for neutral or even neutral to warm balance. Personally I like their signature, most perhaps in the companies CS122 Hybrid speaker cable.

My personal favorites though are Profigolds Oxypure. A superbly made cable with a construction similar to Atlas's Mavros Ultra but at a fraction of its cost.

I use them in my cyrus system and never found them other than inaudible, unlike some others.

When I got them they were a little cheaper but even at £65 or thereabouts I think they represent very good value compared to some others.

There is a set of new/unused ones on ebay for a little less. Perhaps you can haggle the price down to £40 or so if interested (I am not the seller).

I can't post links on this forum but type Profigold Oxypure Phono/RCA cable and it should come up.

I'd concur with drummermans. The VDH's are well known but buying the new Atlas might give financial edge if you found them unsuitable ( resale price).

I am not familiar with the particular Profigolds mentioned but have used their products in the past and found them well constructed.

Using interconnects to fine-tune a system is a good thing but they are not a panacea. For your sort of budget, and most people's come to that, the idea is pretty pointless as sonic differences are going to be so subtle you probably will not notice.

Suggest you try the Profigolds suggested.
I don't know vdh, but I've got 3 set of atlas interconnects, and they are all fantastic. I have the questor, element integra, and equator mk iii. I would say the element is possibly the best value, its a great cable, better than the questor IMO. The element has more bass, but not sure if anything else is better, or worse. Oh, and the element is warm sounding, not shrill.
I will go for the Van den Hul D102 3T interconnect. I can also buy 2 x 2 m. v.d. Hul cs 122 (new) for 30,-- Euro. But here in Holland there are many who find it a bad cable.


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