New amp or dac


New member
Jan 1, 2016
Hello and happy new year to everyone,this is my first post on here so here goes...

my system at the moment is Cambridge CXC cd transport,Rotel Ra10 amp,Pioneer N50a streamer and B&W 685 s2 speakers.

I'm looking to upgrade now and I'm thinking of a new amp or dac,I can't find a lot of info about the dac in my Pioneer, it sounds ok but if I get something like a chord hugo will it make a big difference or do I get a new amp first and go down the dac road later?

i have approx £1500
The fundamental question here is, what do you want to achieve with your upgrade? Is there something in particular about the sound that isn't quite right for you, or are you simply in danger of upgrading because you can?
MP strikes again with absolute sense...

Totally agree, I am also changing my set up to go with what is for me the ultimate simplicity and acceptable SQ within my budget- two 2nd gen Play:5 in stereo

Others would choose seperates etc but I can get everything I need with the Play:5s

One should consider if at all an upgrade is required and will make any difference before splashing the cash unless money is no problem...
I want a better sound quality,if your happy with your system that's great but I've had the advantage of having more expensive components in the past and I would like to get to that level again,what I've got at the moment doesn't do that for me.

There lacks control in the bass,and midrange,not enough detail coming through.
Knowing what the issues are with your system as it is enables us to offer suggestions that are appropriate. A lack of control in the bass is something that would irritate me intensely so I can totally understand why you want to sort that out. My experience of owning B&Ws is that they can be prone to this, and need the grip of a very good amplifier to control them. Changing the DAC won't address the issue you are having and good though the RA-10 is in many respects, it can struggle with exactly the issue you describe. Quite simply it doesn't have enough control of the speakers.

I'd suggest auditioning some better amplifiers. The Rega Elicit-R would certainly get proper control of the B&Ws. I've heard it grip a pair of CM10s brilliantly. I'd also suggest looking at alternatives from Creek (Evolution 100A) and Exposure (3010s2D). These all have good strong power supplies and should give you the improvement you are looking for.
Tezrhc said:
Hello and happy new year to everyone,this is my first post on here so here goes...

my system at the moment is Cambridge CXC cd transport,Rotel Ra10 amp,Pioneer N50a streamer and B&W 685 s2 speakers.

I'm looking to upgrade now and I'm thinking of a new amp or dac,I can't find a lot of info about the dac in my Pioneer, it sounds ok but if I get something like a chord hugo will it make a big difference or do I get a new amp first and go down the dac road later?

i have approx £1500

You could do both, get a Rega Elex r or a Naim Nait 5si and a Chord Mojo. Personally though I think for obvious sound quality improvement you should use the money for better speakers. Nothing wrong with the 685 S2 but better speakers will do more for future electronic upgrades. You could probably find Kef LS50 for £600 and have enough of your budget left for an Elex r.
For example:
Of course, the other thing we should be asking is whether your speakers are supported and positioned optimally or not. B&Ws can be particularly fussy about stands and perform much better with heavy stands like B&W's own or something like Partington Dreadnoughts. They also need a good bit of space around them. If you don't get these things right, it doesn't matter what electronics you have up-stream.

Another amp option to consider would be NAD. I've had good experiences hearing NAD with B&W speakers and they are particularly good at controlling whatever is paired with them. (My Dynaudio speakers are about equivalent to your B&Ws and also need a good amp to grip them. Even the little C316BEE does a great job) The price/performance ratio is very competitive as well - you may find a C356BEE or C375BEE is a very good option without spending all your budget on the amp. Worth visiting a Sevenoaks store to have a listen.
Have you considered an amp with integral high quality DAC that could take an optional streaming board? The forthcoming Leema Quasar looks like it will fit the bill, and given their past reputation performance should be excellent. Price may be a little on the high side - £2K (ish). Also Linn Sneaky / Sekrit DSM could also work for you : amp + streamer at a price of £1750 less 10% if you shop around. You could fund the purchases by selling the Rotel and Pioneer.

Sell the Pioneer and get a Naim Unitiqute 2 + Nap 100 (or just start with the Qute). Either that, or get rid of the CXC as well and look at a Naim Unitilite.

If you wanna keep your streamer and transport, try to find a used Supernait 1. Hegel H80 could be a good alternative. Or, again, sell everything and get a Hegel H160, which also does streaming. Oh, and there's a new Marantz HD-AMP something, which has a great review out there, and also has a DAC at least. Check that as well.

Other amps I would consider would be Naim XS 2, Exposure 3010s2, Arcam A39, Marantz PM8005 and get a separate DAC.

Either way, try to audition before purchasing. Goodluck and a happy new year! 🙂
All amps mentioned are good from everyone. My personally if i wanted to save money id look at 2nd hand nad from ebay. C370, c356bee, c270, c275bee to name a few.

If bass control and grip is your thing look at hegel.. h80 or even better h160
Thanks to everyone who has given answers to my question,and sorry it's taken me so long to reply.

i have been busy reading reviews on a lot of amps and dac's,and decided to buy a Chord 2qute because I am thinking of computer based files to experiment with as well.There is a noticable difference in quality without a back to back test.The instruments seemed more defined with clearer treble and slightly more bass.

I also sold my Rotel RA10 and had a listen to a Rega elex and elicit,and came home with the elicit.

overall there is more control with the sound,the only way I can explain it is if you had a picture that is sharper,everything in that picture (sound) is more defined,but not a great deal of extra bass.

Some good quality CDs sound really good but poor quality ones do sound a bit harsh,I thought it might be the Cambridge CXC and I purchased a second hand Linn Karik just to see what difference if any could be had.

The Linn as a transport only through the Chord is smoother than the CXC and sounds better to my ears.

So to sum up I'm going to sell the CXC and possibly the B&W's and look at Tannoys precision 6.2 for that bit extra bass,at the same time I don't want to over do the amount of bass as my room is 14'x14'.
Yes matthewpiano,your right about speaker stands and positioning,I did forget to mention I have the B&W stands and have tried different positioning.
Tezrhc said:
So to sum up I'm going to sell the CXC and possibly the B&W's and look at Tannoys precision 6.2 for that bit extra bass,at the same time I don't want to over do the amount of bass as my room is 14'x14'.

Tannoys for extra bass? Really?

Do a proper home demo before handing over the cash then!
Hi DocG,have you tried the Tannoy 6.2's? im only going on what I've read about them,have you got any recommendations?
Tezrhc said:
Hi DocG,have you tried the Tannoy 6.2's? im only going on what I've read about them,have you got any recommendations?

Yes, I heard them, driven by a Pathos Classic One (which is an excellent amp IMO. They had fine imaging, and a pretty good midrange. But bass is not their forte: they sounded lean to my ears. Then again, it might be enough for you, in your room (they certainly have more bass than your B&Ws!). Which is why I urge you to demo them, with your amp, in your room, before pulling the trigger.

Plenty of alternatives. What brands do you have access to for demoing? And what budget do you have in mind? And how close to the (back and side) walls will you use them?
I'm in Worcestershire so there's probably several brands I could try,I'll have approx £1500. My 685's are 20cm from the walls at the moment.
Tezrhc said:
I'm in Worcestershire so there's probably several brands I could try,I'll have approx £1500. My 685's are 20cm from the walls at the moment. 

Severnoaks in cheltenham
Tezrhc said:
I'm in Worcestershire so there's probably several brands I could try,I'll have approx £1500. My 685's are 20cm from the walls at the moment.

I would also advise a trip to Cheltenham. Colin (aka Boggit aka iQ Speakers) builds IPL speakers. I haven't heard them nor seen them in the flesh, but looking at the specs and components, and at the pictures on his website (just google "iQ speakers") he could give you a whole lotta speaker for your budget: unbeatable VFM if you ask me. Give him a call. You won't be dissappointed!
Had a listen to Tannoy's 6.4 and was dissapointed,also tried the xt6f and Dali zensor 6 which didn't sound very good to me,they all run from an Azur 851a at Richer Sounds.

went over the road to Superfi and the salesman gave me a demo of Keff r500 and B&W cm8s2 through an Arcam a29,the r500 sounded too Woolley in the bass and cm8 was very detailed but not deep enough in the bass.

this week I went back and listened to cm9's on my Elicit amp,again very good detail,more bass but still not the sound I wanted,I think the mid range was too much (hard on the ears)then it was xt8f,what a difference,I new at once these were the ones for me.he did mention the r700 which I thought would sway me off the Tannoys but I was very dissapointed in the flat unimotional sound I heard coming from them,maybe they was not run in?,I didn't ask as I'd made my mind up so the walnut xt8f ones I wanted had to be ordered in.I will be picking them up the end of next week.
If you have any money left? Get a stand alone dac...cambridge audio dac magic? I would recommend optical cable..they are cheap and sound fab! Im not saying the sound will be better? But it will be different! Vive la difference...


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