Andrewjvt said:2 Amps here interest me Musical Fidelity and the Hegel 160
I think id have to draw the line at about £2500 max
dont know prices of the rest but will look
Andrewjvt said:Covenanter said:I don't use the bungs either.
I also threw out my AV system and just use the R700s. You don't get subsonic bass of course but as they deliver lots of bass anyway I don't find I'm missing it.
For my type of music (classical) the Marantz kit is super with the R700s. The SA8005 is a great source for CD, SACD and for my Blu-Ray player and the PM8005 drives the speakers effortlessly, and to my ears neutrally, to volumes louder than I require. I actually can't imagine changing my system until something breaks.
I hope that is useful.
Do you miss surround sound?
Yes and no! I know it's not there and surround sound does add an extra dimension to some films. However the R700s are so good that you get great sound anyway so it's not a big loss. (I watched Saving Private Ryan last weekend and it was brilliant and the room was bouncing.)
I guess it depends how important film is to you. I watch maybe 1 or 2 films a week so it's not my biggest issue.
Covenanter said:Andrewjvt said:Covenanter said:I don't use the bungs either.
I also threw out my AV system and just use the R700s. You don't get subsonic bass of course but as they deliver lots of bass anyway I don't find I'm missing it.
For my type of music (classical) the Marantz kit is super with the R700s. The SA8005 is a great source for CD, SACD and for my Blu-Ray player and the PM8005 drives the speakers effortlessly, and to my ears neutrally, to volumes louder than I require. I actually can't imagine changing my system until something breaks.
I hope that is useful.
Do you miss surround sound?
Yes and no! I know it's not there and surround sound does add an extra dimension to some films. However the R700s are so good that you get great sound anyway so it's not a big loss. (I watched Saving Private Ryan last weekend and it was brilliant and the room was bouncing.)
I guess it depends how important film is to you. I watch maybe 1 or 2 films a week so it's not my biggest issue.
I think thats exactly how id feel - Godzilla will still roar and the music in a movie will be great
matthewpiano said:I'd suggest giving the Rega Elicit-R a good listen. Rega/KEF is an excellent combination and the Elicit-R is an outstanding amp which really grips and controls even challenging speakers like B&W CM10s. With your KEFs it should sound divine. The other option I'd be tempted to hear would be the Creek Evolution 100A, but also a Sugden A21a.
I am sure my new amp must be at least 150 plus watts per channel
Andrewjvt said:matthewpiano said:I'd suggest giving the Rega Elicit-R a good listen. Rega/KEF is an excellent combination and the Elicit-R is an outstanding amp which really grips and controls even challenging speakers like B&W CM10s. With your KEFs it should sound divine. The other option I'd be tempted to hear would be the Creek Evolution 100A, but also a Sugden A21a.
I am sure my new amp must be at least 150 plus watts per channel
You do not need 150W per channel unless you are trying to blow your windows out! My Marantz is rated at 70W per channel and my room is a 1000 sq ft loft apartment with double height ceilings. I have never turned the amp up above 12 o'clock and at that the room shakes. I have not heard any evidence of clipping or other distortion.
Find a dealer who will let you listen to a range of amplifiers and buy the one that sounds best irrespective of brand, price or specification. If possible get him/her to switch the source cables without telling you what he/she has done and then judge which is best. Then you won't be influenced as we all are by extraneous perceptions.
Andrewjvt said:I am sure my new amp must be at least 150 plus watts per channel
Andrewjvt said:When is the upcomming unnamed amp comming?
Andrewjvt said:Hi matt
Thanks. I will look at the hegel 160. Everyone is talking about how this amp punches above its weight.