Need some help setting up my Samsung LE26A456C


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Aug 10, 2019
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Bought the 26" Samsung LE26A456C on the strength of the WHF award and I must say it's been a real pain to set up the picture.

The first time I switched it on the picture was headache inducing - all the settings were cranked up in the name of being 'dynamic' - but I expected this so I whipped out my Ratatouille DVD to adjust the brightness and contrast et al.

Unfortunately after much fettling the I cant get the picture right. The main problem seems to be the overpowering contrast - watching Match of the Day through my Sky HD box last night was horrible, even with the contrast turned down to below 50 the whites on the Blackburn shirts, for example, was still too bright and made the details on the players shirts indistinguishable.

So now I have the contrast and gamma turned down but colours are looking washed out. I'm starting to think the TV is at fault, but it cant be - it's an award winner!

My previous Samsung 26" LE26R74BD gave a much better picture and was a piece of cake to set up.
This TV has loads of new picture settings that I havent heard of or used before - white/black balance, flesh tone, red, green or blue tint etc, etc.

Any advice on the appropriate settings you used guys?

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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I feel your pain - the more sophisticated sets get, the more there is to tweak (perhaps we can now have a smidgeon of sympathy for all the TV testing we do? No? Thought not...)

Our Samsung is currently on a van winging its way to Excel for our Show - we'll need to recalibrate it to suit the show floor, but i'll see (very slight chance) if one of the guys can get a look at the settings beforehand. Otherwise, it'll be next week, i'm afraid.

In the meantime, have you tried and/or turned off various 'modes' (eg 'cinema', 'sport' etc) as well as tackling the main colour/contrast controls? These can make a massive difference.


Thanks for your reply - any advice from the guys would be helpful.

I've run the Cars optimizer and have come out with a better result, and turning the contrast setting to 'low' in the Sky box picture settings as helped. Messing with the red/green tint seems to have worked too. Colours still look washed out and overly bright though compared to my other LCD.


Well, I've spent nearly two hours setting this TV up, and it's better than it was but nowhere near as good as my previous TV.

Basically Samsung has included too many picture setting options (1 full main menu and 2 full sub menus!)and the default settings of these options is way off the mark - and of course, when you tweak one setting it has an effect on a different one.

Dark scenes are still too light, there is traces of green in black areas and panned out shots look like the contrast is up high when in fact it's below 45%.

I just cannot recommended this TV. I wish I'd bought last years 26 "Pana award winner - i've seen this TV in action, 10 mins after being out of the box and it looked fantastic.

I'm annoyed.



After many hours of moaning, swearing and cursing the evil Samsung I have got to a point where the picture level is now as good as I can get it.

Just one problem left. Where very dark black and blue meet there is a horrible clash, the edges of the two colours dance around like the display on the front of an 80's graphic equalizer. Examples of this include the ending credits of 'In The Night Garden', the audience in the 'X Factor' when the judges are delivering their verdict and even the Sony Quantum of Solace ad.

It's doin my head in. Is it a faulty TV, a rubbish TV, the wrong settings or just a LCD 'design feature'?

Help me. Someone. Please.


Dear Clare,

Did you manage to ask one of the guys regarding the picture setting on the LE26 A456 Samsung?





I took the back light to 0 add this did remove the 80's graphic equalizer affect ( I experienced it on the x factor too), back the contrast off also.



Hi, I have had the Samsung for three months and I must agree with Clare it is a wonderfull Tv.It took me a while to set up but believe me it is such a good picture it is worth spending a bit of time setting it up correctly.I would with out doubt recommend the Samsung LE26A456


Hi. I hope this helps.... I've just bought a Samsung LE37A656 and it's absolutely amazing (that's not all I have to say, by the way). I know it's a different model, but the best results I've found with mine is to set the 'mode' to movie - for everything - TV, DVD, Blu-Ray and games. The contrast needed to come down as well, but only to about 60/65. Backlight 6/7. Black level medium. Skin tone -1. Brightness 70(ish). Sharpness is down to personal preference - sometimes mine is down to 25 for TV and up to 75 for upscaled DVDs. I have to say I've not touched any of the stuff like gamma correction, white level or anything you wouldn't normally find on most TV setup menus. Good luck!



Would you be able to post your current TV settings so I could try them out please




Hi Clare,

Any joy on the picture settings for the samasung please



Thanks Barkerwoo for your advice, but selecting 'movie' settings on the LE26A456C makes you feel as if a demon has sucked all life and colour from the world, leaving people on screen looking either like virtual zombies or someone who permanently suffers from sickness and diarrhoea.

Broomie - glad to hear you are with me on this one. I'm still getting the big, blocky 'pixelation' in dark areas and am close to giving up on life itself.

JJ - come on bud, help us out.

I'm off to have another play with the settings - the background shots of the audience in Top Gear tonight will be a good proving ground. I'll keep you informed.


I personally have the contrast turned down to 70 and the backlight to 9, brightness to 55, colour at 60.and black adjust on medium. I never put it on either movie or dynamic setting either, both look really out of place.


Thanks Newbie but those settings dont solve the black/blue clash problem...


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