neat motive 3 upgrade or not?

I recently listened at home to neat 3 and 2 very good speakers my kit is arc am like yours but may want to know what speakers blew them away? Well it was pmc db1i and I mean comfortable I'm going for gb1i now
i will have to check all at that price range i think my kit is being held back my the speaker . dont get me wrong the rx1s are good but they are just that good finding them disapointing at times
pauladamss:i will have to check all at that price range i think my kit is being held back my the speaker . dont get me wrong the rx1s are good but they are just that good finding them disapointing at times

I'm envious of your kit...
. Spendor SA-1 will sound cracking with amp and CDP. Likewise, DB1S should have enough neutrality to make you combo shine.
thankyou . i decided on the arcam in the the end i thought the linn lacked low end and was a little to mid range heavy for my liking amazing detail though. on the speakers its going to have to be second hand should get a bit for the rx1s
What is it that you think the RX1's are lacking?

How long have you had them and are they fully run in?

An iodea of your budget would be handy as well but IMO the Neat 3's and 2's are superb speakers and well worth a demo but so are the Monitor Audio GS10's and the RX6's!
Might also be worth trying Totem Rainmaker, Dynaudio and Opera as well as the others mentioned - assuming your budget is around the £1500 mark.

Mind you, I'd go upgrade proof and get the Sonus Faber Minimas, surely some of the most beautiful speakers on the market. Your amp would easily handle them and, though at £2000+ it may not seem so, a bargain.
£2000 would over by budget by some way . iv only had the rx1 for about 4 months i bought them to stick with my old kit and they did make a good improvement over my kefs .that was supposed to be were it stopped but i got the hifi bug again (happens about every 3 years) and ended up upgrading most of my system. i may be expecting to much from what iv got but they are great with simple stuff like jack johnson or dance music but to my ear the rx1 get muddled with music with lots going on and at times finding them hard to listen to and switching back to the simple stuff (not what i upgraded for). could a speaker upgrade make a big difference with the kit iv got??
Yes, without question. You have some excellent gear and the speakers are the weak link. They are fine as budget models, but you've moved out of that territory.
i think it maybe time to start saving iv sold just about everything that isnt bolted down to pay for the rest of the kit .if only ebay would let me sell the kids.

it may have to be s/hand
are there any other site good for s/h hifi kit apart from ebay
not really.some sound the rx1. fact is i dont really recall anything else sounding muffled...
pauladamss:£2000 would over by budget by some way . iv only had the rx1 for about 4 months i bought them to stick with my old kit and they did make a good improvement over my kefs .that was supposed to be were it stopped but i got the hifi bug again (happens about every 3 years) and ended up upgrading most of my system. i may be expecting to much from what iv got but they are great with simple stuff like jack johnson or dance music but to my ear the rx1 get muddled with music with lots going on and at times finding them hard to listen to and switching back to the simple stuff (not what i upgraded for). could a speaker upgrade make a big difference with the kit iv got??

I got rid of some monitor audio years back for the same reason. They impress initially but werent good to live withlong term. Maybe some neutral speakers like ATC are the way forward or maybe PMC. I moved to vienna acoustics but that may not be the way forward with your kit.
pauladamss:£2000 would over by budget by some way . iv only had the rx1 for about 4 months i bought them to stick with my old kit and they did make a good improvement over my kefs .that was supposed to be were it stopped but i got the hifi bug again (happens about every 3 years) and ended up upgrading most of my system. i may be expecting to much from what iv got but they are great with simple stuff like jack johnson or dance music but to my ear the rx1 get muddled with music with lots going on and at times finding them hard to listen to and switching back to the simple stuff (not what i upgraded for). could a speaker upgrade make a big difference with the kit iv got??

I got rid of some monitor audio years back for the same reason. They impress initially but werent good to live withlong term. Maybe some neutral speakers like ATC are the way forward or maybe PMC. I moved to vienna acoustics but that may not be the way forward with your kit.Actually the Vienna Acoustics aren't a bad idea. They're not a million miles away from the Sonus Faber sound, which is not the least fatiguing.

Brave words about Monitor Audio by the way. This forum has some vociferous supporters of the brand.
i have Neat Motive 3's and they are excellent - i demo'd them against a range of similar priced brands and found them better than the PMC DB1i and Spendor SA1 (although both these were my next best choices) and preferable to Proac and Monitor Audio.

Neat Motives are detailed, dynamic, clear with a punchy bass. They should work well with what you have, as they do well with my own Arcams.


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