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Apr 30, 2015
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The Hegel amplifiers are certainly receiving amazing reviews from magazines and professional testers. I have not seen such agreement about a piece of audio gear before. I guess Naim also enjoy a great deal of review glory with the exception of the soundstage limitation. I would love to listen to a Hegel amplifier but sadly I am 5+ hours away from any dealer :-(.

The overall agreement by reviewers and users is that the Hegel sound is clear and natural. I have read in some reviews that the high frequencies are a bit rolled off but I take this with a pinch o salt :). Concernign the 'clear and natural' aspect... do you find this fatiguing at all after long listening? I came across two users in Hifiwigwam who initally expressed amazement and satisfaction (H160 and H360 respectively). They both eventually sold their amps as they gradually found the 'clear and clean' sound to be diffucult and tiring over the long run. Two users are of course by no means representantive.

I remain highly impressed by the Hegel amps (although I must admit I struggle with the looks).
I have the Hegel H160 with Dali Epicon2 (What Hifi 5 stars) for about 6 mounths now and it's just a fantastic combination.

Speakercables are audioquest rocket44 en powercable audioquest nrg10

But still i wanted to upgrade to H360 and i got in contact with Anders Ertzeid via facebook.

He told me that the H360 has got more dynamic bass response and also defines instruments better.

Money is also an issue , so i had a good think and decided to upgrade my speakercables instead.

I contacted several hifi shops , what the best Audioquest cable upgrade is for my system.

Every shop came up with AQ Castle Rock , so i went for this cable with AQ biwire jumpers.

What a fantastic cable upgrade indead , so open and detailed sound.

I just can't stop listening to music... :)


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Jun 18, 2014
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Franky Goossens said:
My previous cables were not thin.

The new ones are just made of much better copper and insulation. ;-)

If every hifi shop recommend this cable as the best in for my system and 

i hear also very clearly a better sound, why would i wind you up ? :)



I leave this one for Trevc to explain if hes around.


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Aug 19, 2016
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Too all guys who chose H360 over H160 - did you noticed that's almost 2x as expensive? Or that the price difference can you buy a new KEF R?

Altough I can undarstand this :) I would appreciate if you can answer these questions:

1. Would you pick H360+KEF R700 or H160+KEF R900 (price is almost the same and I think that better(?) speakers will be better upgrade)

2. Did you hear Hegel with anything else than KEF ot ACT? What about Tannoy or Focal? Or ProAc? Can you compare with KEFs?



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Mar 14, 2013
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I hope your cables not touching the floor? I suggest suspending for absolute high fidelity..

btw, do you use power conditioner?
At first i was sceptical too about cabels, i did not want to spend much money on cables.

Until i got this cable, in the brand Audioquest the suggestion was Rocket 88 or Castle Rock for my musicsystem.

And i went for the Rocket44, because i did not believe it would matter much , but is simply does.

Hook a cable like mine on your H360 with the ATC's and there be big smiles all around. ;-)


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Jun 18, 2014
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Franky Goossens said:
my new cables are not much thicker 3,31 to 2,63 (old ones),

they just made of much better materials.

I believe that you believe what you just wrote.
Dont let greedy sales man steel your money. I could could give you an even better cable upgrade for £10 or less.
If you truly want an upgrade buy new speakers or sell the lot and go active.
Hi Rick,

The H360 is probably the best transistor amp at his pricepoint!

I have spent this year already alot of money on the H160, cables and my Dali Epicon2 speakers,

I mean the speakers with stands alone are more expensive than the H360.

With the H160 i do have enough power, because the Dali's are 4ohm speakers. (250W)

Sometimes you just have to be satisfied with what you got! :)


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Jun 18, 2014
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Franky Goossens said:
Sure, and you are (not) the one that heard the difference between the 2 cables.

I do like your nice friendly comments.

You may have the better amp, but speakers ?! 

In a million years maybe :)






So not only are you clueless about cables you think dali are the reference? Maybe if you like added colour to the recording perhaps but not neutrality? Surely?

Think its time to lock this thread up as i cant see it turn into a cable sales pitch for the naive.


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