My system, as it evolves


Well-known member
I've decided to post some pictures of my system as it evolves. Now my sig gives the details, but at the moment not a lot of my kit is plugged in... To elaborate, we were in a terraced house for 9 years, with the AV system in the lounge and the hi-fi in the bedroom (I'll post pictures, when I find them...). Then spent an unscheduled 7-8 month in a rented place, before moving into our new place two years ago, two weeks after the arrival of our third child. So, what with everything, sorting out the AV stuff was a little on the back-burner, which was a pity because the new place has a great 6m x 6m living room...
Then the itch started up, and last November I hunted down one of the last Kuro KRP500A's in existence.

So here it is, bolted to the wall, just after it arrived (the piece of furniture under it is a sideboard to keep small ones away from the screen!)


(BTW: The small cross on the bottom left is tape covering the 12mm wide, 30mm deep hole I drilled in the wall to ensure it was strong enough to take the screen - as it was added to the 60s house about 10 years' ago - it was celcon blockwork, so all well and good)


So then a large period look for a cabinet to house all the gear, and keep the little fingers off it...

At last, have decided to get a Salamander Geneva 336 - should arrive this week from Audio Affair. Will update pictures then...

Lots of work to do:

[*]Move cable and satellite points (just borrowed some 400mm long drill bits from a friend - may need to borrow a drill! Can't believe how big they are[*]Need more speaker cables for rears - my old room was 3.2m x 3.5m[*]Decide on exact position of rears
[*]Route in cables (have borrowed a router from the same friend[*]Get Sonos/NAS/Media Streamer/iPhone Touch as controller (Project Anniversary - see other posts)More later, after cabinet arrives...


Well-known member
Update: The nice man from Atacama (UK stockists of Salamander AV gear) has just phoned to ask if it's OK to deliver the cabinet tomorrow! Woo-hoo - working from home and looking forward to its arrival (I promise some pics...)


Well-known member
Update: Yes! The men from Atacama are here assembling the stand. It looks gorgeous and I'm very excited! (Maybe I should get out more - but more time in is on the cards now


Well-known member
Well, my brand spanking new Salamander AV Chameleon Geneva 336 is in the house and in pride of place under the Kuro. It looks superb. The "nice men from Atacama Audio" were actually their UK Sales & Marketing Manager and their M.D.
So I got the "Executive Delivery Service" - literally! They were great, got everything in place, explained the nuances of the cabinet and I've promised to send them some pictures...

Here are the first couple - more at the weekend:


Couldn't wait - needed to make sure my MA RS-LCR fitted - very snug:


Apparently, I have the only Salamander Chameleon Geneva in Europe at the moment - I feel very special


Very easy on the eye, and the executive service sounds like an added bonus!

Looking forward to some more photos.


lovely looking cabinet scene
, will you need to have the doors open though to control your amp/bluray/cdp etc ?(thats probably a silly question)


ear:not stupid at where did I put the dunce hat?in the cupboard ?


Well-known member
No, it's not that stupid a question. I have an IR repeater - which will sit on top of the centre speaker (behind the cloth) with IR blasters in the cupboards. (The nice men from Atacama were also worried - they'd brought the Salamander IR repeater so I could buy it there and then, if I didn't have one.)

Though this is all rather academic as disaster seems to have struck and my amp appears to have gone phut. Switch it on and it flashes up and then switches off immediately
- just spent three hours trying to coax it back to life (to no avail). I only had it repaired just before Christmas! Not happy.


Seems like you blown something, as I had a similar problem with my older kenwood, be sure you havn't short circuited anything.


ah that sounds like a good little gadget scene , sorry to hear about your amp , hope you get it sorted ..


Well-known member
Thanks Max - I've had a reply from Arcam and I need to get my amp back to them for repair (again). Another few weeks without surround sound... Better be back for mid June...

The IR-blaster is great, got a cheap one for about £30-40 with four repeaters on it - might actually need to get another one, the AV cabinet is HUGE! Might need to get some more shelves - I think I can get my AV and Hi-Fi in the same cabinet and a couple of my kids!


Well-known member
Sorry, I realise I've not posted any updates for a few weeks.

Things have been on hold while my Amp is in intensive care. Anyway, I've just heard back from my dealer and the Amp should be back from Arcam "by the end of the week"

So apart from drilling a couple of holes in my house, one for the satellite cable (done) and one for the cable cable (hole done - need to get some more F-type cable ends and a crimper - Maplin here I come)... Now, with my larger (6.3m x .6.25m) room, I need some more speaker cables for the rear pair....

Will post more + pictures at the weekend.


Well-known member
My last post on this thread started "Sorry, I realise I've not posted any updates for a few weeks." :blush:

Now it's four and a half years since my last post... So, what's changed? Well our building work is mostly finished - new dining area extension - with the KEF eggs, a Pioneer sub/amp combo and 32" samsung TV; I've posted pictures in a thread some time back.

But back to the living room - well one corner has been squared off, it has been re-painted, and gained a new carpet - so finally looking a bit more respectable. The MA RXFX rears are back up - now with their cables routed into the wall - so nice and neat. I'm using a Yamaha RX-V667 as the amp - originally bought it at a bargain price for the dining room, but it never got used. Decided to try it out after the re-decorating as we were just nor getting on with my old Arcam AVR250. It's been OK, but it's struggling to drive my speakers hard enough for the size of the room (90m3). Apart from an upgrade from the V+ HD cable box to a Virgin Tivo, not much else has changed - except I've now got a 5.0 system as the sub went phut and I haven't replaced it (bit short of funds, due to building work...)


Big things are afoot - at last!

Even Mrs. Scene agrees that the Yammie isn't up to it and is happy for me to buy a new amp :)

And she's also happy for me to get a new sub *man_in_love*

So I'm going to get a Marantz SR7009 and a BK sub - almost certainly an XXLS400-DF

Definitely time for some pictures!


Well-known member
Latest pictures... 8/1/15

(Pre any new hardware)...

The newly re-painted and carpeted room showing off my new screen:
- Kuro KRP500a
- Monitor Audio Silver 8i Speakers
- Salamander-AV Geneva-336 cabinet
- NetGear WNDR3700 WiFi router
- Assorted Skylanders figures...


Inside the left hand end of the cabinet: From the top
- Wii
- Sony BPD-S760
- Virgin Tivo box
- Belkin Pure-AV power block


And in the middle cupboard:
- Media box for Kuro
- Yamaha RX-V667 (soon to go...)

Do not ask about the right-hand cupboard

One of the MA RXFX - with all the cables routed in and hidden away...



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