Musical Fidelity MA65 Monoblocks


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi guys,

Just curious as to wheather or not a pair of MA65's would be powerfull enough for my Kef's??? Also how would I intergrate these into my existing system??? I'm starting to miss the class A silky-smooth sound of my MF A1...

If you bought a pair of monoblocks, you would use the "pre-out" on the back of your amplifer, and then simply, using an interconnect, connect on to the right channel, the other to the left.

I used to have the same setup as you, The A3 CD player and A3 amp. I wanted more transparency, so I bought a pair of MF 550K monoblocks (550watts each), and then used the intergrated, just as a preamp. I then decided to go all out, and buy the matching MF A1 FBP Preamplifier.

Adding the mono's brought the extra tranparency I wanted, but it also brought a HUGE amount of control. Notes just start stop, at the drop of the hat and the sound was a lot less wooly. Its more difficult to comment on the preamp, as I was using free interconnects, from the intergrated, to the monoblocks. I then sold the amp, and used the money to fund the preamplifer and a decent set of interconnects. I would say, it did the same again, just cleaned things up.

The MA65'S are 65wpc (?), I'm not sure how much the A1 was, something like 35, so you'll have more power then before. They are also class A, so they will definately have that silky smooth sound you like. If you got the money, and can grab a bargin, I would take the gamble. You could always sell them on again, if you dont like them
While the MA65's will drive the KEF's, I don't think they'll have the control that's needed for the bass they produce. The Reference range also needs a bit more power on tap to get the best from them.
Thanks for the responses guys. I did fear that the MA65's would be lacking the required power for my Kef's so I think I will give them a miss. I would love a pair of those 550k's... I will have to keep a look out as they dont seem to come up for sale very often. I was really really hoping that I would be happy with my A3 amp but i'm finding it slightly fatigueing to listen to at times and there is a lack of control over the bottom end when played loud.

Should I keep a lookout for a pair of 550k's or maybe look at a complete change of amplification??? How would Cyrus sound with my set up???
It all depends on your budget. I agree that the amp, is the week part of the system anyway.

If you have say £500 ish, then your best bet is to look for a second hand amplifier. You could buy a MF power amp, like the A3 one which would give you more power / control, but personally, I think that if your finding the system fatigueing to listen to, you want to get newer / change in components.

£1000 - £1500 - you have a few option here. You could go for a new decent intergrated amp, or look Ex-Dem / Used. I've seen the new MF M3 amp for about £900 exdem. I think its about 150wpc maybe more. I would go for something like that.

Cyrus stuff - has more energy, but the amp's are a lot less power.

Personally, I realled like the sound of the MF A5's which I think is their new house sound?, It was just so inviting and enjoyable.
I was tempted to save up a bit more and get an A5 when I get the A3. Think I may look at getting the A5 after crimbo. The M3 looks very nice and if I can get the money together il certainly consider one ex-demo...
I'm really not trying to spoil the party here, but I've never felt that the A5 ever had enough bass control in comparison to the quantity of bass it produces. It has a huge soundstage, effortless power, but just lacks control. The A5 never did anything for me, and that was on a variety of speakers. I can't comment on the recent stuff as I've not heard them.

I've always found that Reference will work well with anything that can drive and control it properly, and we supply many systems using Cyrus, Naim, Bryston and so on that work very well with them.

You may find some Cyrus Mono X's on the market as current owners upgrade to the X200 or X300 - they usually go for £1,500-2,000 (rrp £3,000). I've found older, bgger MF's work well with them, but that's mainly because they produce a lorry load of current to get them shifting.

If you're dead set on the A5, make sure you audition with your speakers first. Remember, Reference should kick and punch, not sound bassy and lazy.
Thanks for the advice David. So do you think I would be better off looking out for some s/h Cyrus Mono X's rather than sticking with MF? If I did decide to go down the Cyrus route would my A3CD work with Cyrus or should I look ad a different cdp as well? As I will by buying s/h I will be unable to demo with my speakers.
Your CD player should be fine, it was more the amp I had issues with. It would be worth looking for some Mono X's, and maybe scout around for anything else second hand at a similar price poitn too - if you can pick up a Bryston 4B (or any of it's incarnations), that's a match made in heaven. Effortless power and dynamics.