If you bought a pair of monoblocks, you would use the "pre-out" on the back of your amplifer, and then simply, using an interconnect, connect on to the right channel, the other to the left.
I used to have the same setup as you, The A3 CD player and A3 amp. I wanted more transparency, so I bought a pair of MF 550K monoblocks (550watts each), and then used the intergrated, just as a preamp. I then decided to go all out, and buy the matching MF A1 FBP Preamplifier.
Adding the mono's brought the extra tranparency I wanted, but it also brought a HUGE amount of control. Notes just start stop, at the drop of the hat and the sound was a lot less wooly. Its more difficult to comment on the preamp, as I was using free interconnects, from the intergrated, to the monoblocks. I then sold the amp, and used the money to fund the preamplifer and a decent set of interconnects. I would say, it did the same again, just cleaned things up.
The MA65'S are 65wpc (?), I'm not sure how much the A1 was, something like 35, so you'll have more power then before. They are also class A, so they will definately have that silky smooth sound you like. If you got the money, and can grab a bargin, I would take the gamble. You could always sell them on again, if you dont like them