Musical Fidelity M6i Integrated Amplifier Review

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Hi guys,

Sorry but I have to disagree with most of the comments here. I had been using around 8-10 different amplifiers from different price range and this is how MF M6i compares to others:

The sound of the MF M6i:

-Elevation in the low,mid and high frequencies ( so the freq. response is a kind of sinusoid, NOT flat)

-Very soft and warm low end (defenitely NOT tight and NOT controlled)

These are the major issues.

The good:

-Punchy,dynamic,detailed. But all these good things cannot be enjoyed in the shadow of the issues)

I tried the M6i with Dynaudio focus 220, B&W 602 S3,Meridian G08 cdplayer,Krell 350a cd player

If you are after tight and controlled bass try a Krell or Dussun or other class A type amp.

I cannot recommend the M6i to anyone who loves rock/metal music.

Thanks for reading

akosgyorfi said:
If you are after tight and controlled bass try a Krell or Dussun or other class A type amp.

I cannot recommend the M6i to anyone who loves rock/metal music.

Hi Akos,

That's a very interesting input.

Apart from Krell and Dussun, which other integrated amps do you think are good for Rock/Metal?

baltun said:
akosgyorfi said:
If you are after tight and controlled bass try a Krell or Dussun or other class A type amp.

I cannot recommend the M6i to anyone who loves rock/metal music.

Hi Akos,

That's a very interesting input.

Apart from Krell and Dussun, which other integrated amps do you think are good for Rock/Metal?


And by the way, does anyone here strongly desagree with Akos re M6i being unsuitable for Rock/Metal?

Canton reference 5.2, Krell 300i,Krell 350a,Kimber cabe 12TC,silver XLR interconnect.Benchmark DAC Pre.
Perhaps the Lavardin integrated amps which I had the pleasure to listen to at the Bristol show not long ago. I know it's a matter of personal taste/subjective, I do not state only controlled bass is good enough to handle rock music but it is much more lifelike than listening a rock concert on a softish/warmish amp like the M6i. I use the well recorded Police- Argentina concert as a reference point. It's a strong one, is'nt it?

baltun said:
baltun said:
akosgyorfi said:
If you are after tight and controlled bass try a Krell or Dussun or other class A type amp.

I cannot recommend the M6i to anyone who loves rock/metal music.

Hi Akos,

That's a very interesting input.

Apart from Krell and Dussun, which other integrated amps do you think are good for Rock/Metal?


And by the way, does anyone here strongly desagree with Akos re M6i being unsuitable for Rock/Metal?

]I disagree with Akos my music taste is Rock. Blues. Metal. Prog Rock Maybe speakers cdp and room acoustics have played a part in Akos's dislike of the M6i my M6i delivers tight controled bass massive sound stage and a punch which would knock out tyson .by the way I listen to acoustic music. classical music in fact I listen to all sorts and the M6i delivers it spot on.
Agree with toyota man AND akos... Cannot really generalise the M6i will match in all set up especially the speakers. I know for sure it did not match my previous EPOS M12.2 bookshelf speaker...but for sure ProAc, ATC and Spendor usually match well. Rock or metal music.... No issues for the M6i to cope with fast beating drums nor any heavy guitar riffs....but again...depends on the speakers too...
Thank you guys.

It's just that I had a terrible experience with Rotels (RA-1570&RB-1582), and I really don't want to go through any such disaster anymore. Since I can't compare different amps (well, now I can, since I am in London area, but there are no stores with Heco The Statement for demo, so no point in making auditions with other speakers), I was wondering about any good alternatives for heavier musical genres.

People say Naim is good, but they don't have power enough (Nait XS for example) for my Hecos.

Now Akos says M6i lacks the bass sharpness needed for Rock/Metal..

baltun said:
Thank you guys.

It's just that I had a terrible experience with Rotels (RA-1570&RB-1582), and I really don't want to go through any such disaster anymore. Since I can't compare different amps (well, now I can, since I am in London area, but there are no stores with Heco The Statement for demo, so no point in making auditions with other speakers), I was wondering about any good alternatives for heavier musical genres.

People say Naim is good, but they don't have power enough (Nait XS for example) for my Hecos.

Now Akos says M6i lacks the bass sharpness needed for Rock/Metal..



I think you are missing the point here, no punt intended. Akos have tried M6i with the likes of Dynaudio, B&W ... Toyotaman is using it with Spendor... I have used it with EPOS, Mission and now ProAc... Toyota Man and I are very satisified with the M6i to deliver the bass, the mids and high of vocals and guitar riffs of rock and metal... All of us tried the M6i with different speakers...

Naim matches well with Dynaudio and ProAc as well.

If you are not able to demo the M6i with your speakers, try to find a retailer who stocks the M6i and the range of speakers above. All of them will give different results.
baltun said:
Thank you guys.

It's just that I had a terrible experience with Rotels (RA-1570&RB-1582), and I really don't want to go through any such disaster anymore. Since I can't compare different amps (well, now I can, since I am in London area, but there are no stores with Heco The Statement for demo, so no point in making auditions with other speakers), I was wondering about any good alternatives for heavier musical genres.

People say Naim is good, but they don't have power enough (Nait XS for example) for my Hecos.

Now Akos says M6i lacks the bass sharpness needed for Rock/Metal..


Hi Baltun

What was so bad with the Rotels RA-1570 & RB-1582 ?
The M6i is beautiful and with strong built quality . I had been using it for a year before it became obvious that (with my system) I got the feeling as if it sounded like a hidden LOUDNESS buttom was constantly ON. I mean loads of bass and highs but that bass was overhanging,lasted too long,never stopped where and when it should have...some would describe this as SLOW BASS. Your room acoustis and speaker design will only make a little difference. With the same equipment and room other amps produced much tighter and controlled bass. I found that silver interconnect made a slight difference but still had to go. Anyway, it is a matter of taste and somone may think that BIG bass equals good bass control but I disagree here. I know that is the preamp section of the M6i that is to blame here as I tried with Benchmark DAC PRE -connected to M6i power amp directly and it sounded fantastic with tight and accurate bass.

Thanks for reading

Didn't like the M6i at all . Heard it with Proacs and was surprise to find out that have to bring the volume level to 12 o'clock to a decent volume .

the soundstage was unsufisticated and dull , the bass too boomy and uncontroled . Heard many better amps than the MF M6i ( this amp remind me the NAD amps which i don't like as well ) .
Before I got shot dead by toyotaman( no offence🙂 )The M6i is overall produces a sweet,warm, sound with good stereo imaging,very dynamic,detailed and loads of soft bass ,mids and highs. Whether it fits your musical taste it is another question. I am sure someone will find it beautiful someone not. But hey, that is what Hi-Fi is all about, is'nt it?
akosgyorfi said:
Before I got shot dead by toyotaman( no offence🙂 )The M6i is overall produces a sweet,warm, sound with good stereo imaging,very dynamic,detailed and loads of soft bass ,mids and highs. Whether it fits your musical taste it is another question. I am sure someone will find it beautiful someone not. But hey, that is what Hi-Fi is all about, is'nt it?

that i can agree...M6i its not for all people... Just have to get what really gives you that hifi satisfaction...
ISAC69 said:
Didn't like the M6i at all . Heard it with Proacs and was surprise to find out that have to bring the volume level to 12 o'clock to a decent volume .

the soundstage was unsufisticated and dull , the bass too boomy and uncontroled . Heard many better amps than the MF M6i ( this amp remind me the NAD amps which i don't like as well ) .

12 o'clock??? Surprisingly to run the 140 you have to go that loud. Unless you have a pretty large room. I just need to turn it to 10 o' clock max to run my D18. Did u try a different M6i unit? That sounds like a malfunctioned M6i unit.
Baltun, it is a really hard call! Your Hecos can handle 500w? With the big bass drivers and bass ports exhaling

backwards you will need extra care to position those speakers. They should be well off the walls otherwise you will get a boomy bass. MF will not make you happy here for sure. I would try a sec.hand Krell power amp( or even any krell integrated) to keep the bass under controll. Another bet would be a class A Luxman if buget permits. If you can live with less treble detail, a Dussun V6 is a cheep alternative and is especially good for rock/metal music and concerts and loves high volumes....

hope this helps
The room is almost 50m2, and the speakers are positioned almost in the centre of the room, thus very far from the walls.

Yes, according to specs, they handle 500Watts RMS Max.

Given the size of the room and essentially no restrictions in terms of volume at which I can listen to them (my closest neighbours are some 200 meters away from my house), I like to push the volume quite loud. With my current amp rated at 85 Watt, the sound starts distorting or 'choking' at volumes around 10 o'clock. That's why I'm avoiding Naims, given their low power rate.

As for the sound, tight and controlled bass is one of the things I want, yet with a considerable punch as well. So, definitely not the 'slow' bass as you put it, or a boomy bass. Also, I want large scale soundstage in both width and depth. And detail, especially in the highs, of course.

I guess ultimately what I want is not to have the impression I'm listening to recordings, "whose sound is coming from two speakers".
akosgyorfi said:
I tried with Benchmark DAC PRE -connected to M6i power amp directly and it sounded fantastic with tight and accurate bass.

Thanks for reading



how did u connect a pre amp to the M6i power amp section? Using the HT/Aux input is it?
baltun said:
The room is almost 50m2, and the speakers are positioned almost in the centre of the room, thus very far from the walls.

Yes, according to specs, they handle 500Watts RMS Max.

Given the size of the room and essentially no restrictions in terms of volume at which I can listen to them (my closest neighbours are some 200 meters away from my house), I like to push the volume quite loud. With my current amp rated at 85 Watt, the sound starts distorting or 'choking' at volumes around 10 o'clock. That's why I'm avoiding Naims, given their low power rate.

As for the sound, tight and controlled bass is one of the things I want, yet with a considerable punch as well. So, definitely not the 'slow' bass as you put it, or a boomy bass. Also, I want large scale soundstage in both width and depth. And detail, especially in the highs, of course.

I guess ultimately what I want is not to have the impression I'm listening to recordings, "whose sound is coming from two speakers".

thats a big room to fill with enough defnitely would benefit with a higher power integrated or a pre power combo.. In this case, yes... There are better amps than the M6i.
El Hefe said:
ISAC69 said:
Didn't like the M6i at all . Heard it with Proacs and was surprise to find out that have to bring the volume level to 12 o'clock to a decent volume .

the soundstage was unsufisticated and dull , the bass too boomy and uncontroled . Heard many better amps than the MF M6i ( this amp remind me the NAD amps which i don't like as well ) .

12 o'clock??? Surprisingly to run the 140 you have to go that loud. Unless you have a pretty large room. I just need to turn it to 10 o' clock max to run my D18. Did u try a different M6i unit? That sounds like a malfunctioned M6i unit.

I made a demo of the M6i in my dealer store surprisingly the Roksan Kandy sounded much better to me .The Storm Audio V55 was in a different league much better than the Roksan and M6I .
I like the M6i, but it wouldn't be my first choice at that money.....brands like Sugden, Electro, Pathos, Icon Audio and Unison Research would get there first.
CnoEvil said:
I like the M6i, but it wouldn't be my first choice at that money.....brands like Sugden, Electro, Pathos, Icon Audio and Unison Research would get there first.

Hi CnoEvil

Did you hear the Unison Research Unico 100 ?
ISAC69 said:
CnoEvil said:
I like the M6i, but it wouldn't be my first choice at that money.....brands like Sugden, Electro, Pathos, Icon Audio and Unison Research would get there first.

Hi CnoEvil

Did you hear the Unison Research Unico 100 ?

Sorry, I'm afraid not.
That's very interesting, since I've been considering UR UNICO 50 as well (the 100 version is too expensive for me).

How would anyone describe the UNICO sound?



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