Musical fidelity KW550 INTEGRATED


New member
Feb 11, 2008
Im looking at a number of integrated amps to free up some cash on my pre power system. Any one with any experience of these? Going new on ebay for 2000 so hoping a second hand one would be in my budget. How does it compare to the krell integrated (kav400xi)? It seems to be massivly poweful with over 600 WPC? But is it quality?
Sorry mate, can't help you with the above but what are you hoping to get for your bel cantos if downgrading means a 2k amp?
Hey DM! Im hoping to get back 1600. Dont know if the current market will allow that but we'll see. Of that im looking to pocket at least 300 and the rest can go back on a amp - now or in the near future with slightly more added on. The reason is im really strapped for cash at the moment however start a funded phd in a month so will be ok after that. Im not looking at new stuff. Im looking at secondhand deals but yeah i am being a bit optimistic with some of the suggestions. However if nothing else it elleviates some boredom in getting the answers.


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