Monitor speakers. Where does the smart money go?

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Why are you banging on about this?? The OP has made his position quite clear. He doesn't want active speakers, never did, so let it rest there.

The OP asked for a "monitor" speaker.

He actually wants a HiFi speaker.

Actives can be bought with domestic finishes if one looks at the higher-end ADAM and ATC ranges.
Forgive my ignorance - and the intrusion on the ongoing argument - but what are "monitor" speakers, as distinct from merely speakers?

My concern is that the amplifiers are tying you down.

You have "invested" £3k in amplification, so you want to base a system around that combo.

However, with the addition of a small passive two-way, like the ATC or ProAc, the total system cost will be almost £4k.

Think of the active monitors at that price point.

How do you honestly think the two will compare?

Why are you banging on about this?? The OP has made his position quite clear. He doesn't want active speakers, never did, so let it rest there.

Personally I'm with Dan and would save for better speakers. That's fine amplification and something like the Dynaudio contours would be an excellent match.


Very delicately put! But your are right. You mentioned the Contours and these did not make my original list as I was informed that they need to be placed further from the rear wall than I could possibly put them. Or do you know different?
My concern is that the amplifiers are tying you down.

You have "invested" £3k in amplification, so you want to base a system around that combo.

However, with the addition of a small passive two-way, like the ATC or ProAc, the total system cost will be almost £4k.

Think of the active monitors at that price point.

How do you honestly think the two will compare?

Why are you banging on about this?? The OP has made his position quite clear. He doesn't want active speakers, never did, so let it rest there.

Personally I'm with Dan and would save for better speakers. That's fine amplification and something like the Dynaudio contours would be an excellent match.


Very delicately put! But your are right. You mentioned the Contours and these did not make my original list as I was informed that they need to be placed further from the rear wall than I could possibly put them. Or do you know different?

Yes sorry about that, am a bit tired now after a short cycle ride turned into a 50 km marathon on a hot day!

If they have to be placed near to the rear wall then the ATCs are your best bet. The Dynaudios need about a metre, else you have to use the foam bungs.
jdp1962:Forgive my ignorance - and the intrusion on the ongoing argument - but what are "monitor" speakers, as distinct from merely speakers?

....and I quote.......... 'An unqualified reference to a 'monitor' speaker often refers to a 'near-field' (compact or close-field) design. This is a speaker small enough to sit on a stand or desk in proximity to the listener (called a 'bookshelf' speaker in hi-fi parlance), so that most of the sound that the listener hears is coming directly from the speaker, rather than reflecting off of walls and ceilings (and thus picking up coloration and reverberation from the room).'
Dan Turner:
... and I'm sure that an £800 pair of active speakers are extremely competitive compared to, say, a £400 integrated amp driving a £400 pair of passive speakers. However the OP has the best part of £3k's worth of pre/power amplification - does anyone seriously think that replacing that and a decent pair of price compatible speakers, with a pair of £800 active speakers (all due respect to the Genelecs and the recommendation - I'm sure they are great) is going to be an improvement?

I do firmly believe that some active speakers can sound far far better than much more pricier separates kit.
Alears:...I can only say I have struggled over many years to bring my system to its current state and have no intention of getting rid of the amps. I thought it clear from my original posting that I wished to get peoples ideas from the list of 3 speakers I put-up. I have researched quite thoroughly as I always do and did not want alternatives suggested...

I can understand this. My experience of Primare amplification (probably up to a couple of hundred hours now, and half of that time with ATC SCM11s) is very positive, and that is just the integrated i30 rather than your pre/power set-up.

I would 'hold your horses' until the WHF comparison test of EB2s and ATC SCM11s which is coming soon.

Alears:...I can only say I have struggled over many years to bring my system to its current state and have no intention of getting rid of the amps. I thought it clear from my original posting that I wished to get peoples ideas from the list of 3 speakers I put-up. I have researched quite thoroughly as I always do and did not want alternatives suggested...

I can understand this. My experience of Primare amplification (probably up to a couple of hundred hours now, and half of that time with ATC SCM11s) is very positive, and that is just the integrated i30 rather than your pre/power set-up.

I would 'hold your horses' until the WHF comparison test of EB2s and ATC SCM11s which is coming soon.

Hi Chebby,

I was aware of the upcoming test and intended to do just that.

Lets hope they undertake test in a 'real world' situation where the majority of this type of speaker are used in modern-day houses i.e. smallish rooms and close to the rear wall! I have noticed What Hi-Fi rarely state what set-up is used in their equipment tests.

...and to The Record Spot I can only say I have struggled over many years to bring my system to its current state and have no intention of getting rid of the amps. I thought it clear from my original posting that I wished to get peoples ideas from the list of 3 speakers I put-up. I have researched quite thoroughly as I always do and did not want alternatives suggested, I thought that would appear clear. Obviously not.

Indeed you didn't. You made no mention of research, nor that you required no other alternatives suggesting, and with that in mind, may I suggest you buy off the internet, try each at home for 7 days each, take the benefit of distance selling regulations and buy whichever one ticks the most boxes whilst returning the two you like the least. You will answer you own questions more than adequately.
Alears:Without wishing this thread being hi-jacked by the 'active' brigade I would like to return to a choice between my original three speakers listed.

Make it clear in your opening post then and spare us the "active" brigade gripes as an add-on, unless there's a mist in your living room that's preventing you from reading my signature line below, my kit is a cross between ancient and modern and far away from active.

Oh and if you've never heard them, then pipe down, you don't know what you're talking about. I used to be like you - totally - and then I heard some and my God, it's an astonishing audio experience.
the record spot:Alears: ...and to The Record Spot I can only say I have struggled over many years to bring my system to its current state and have no intention of getting rid of the amps. I thought it clear from my original posting that I wished to get peoples ideas from the list of 3 speakers I put-up. I have researched quite thoroughly as I always do and did not want alternatives suggested, I thought that would appear clear. Obviously not. Indeed you didn't. You made no mention of research, nor that you required no other alternatives suggesting, and with that in mind, may I suggest you buy off the internet, try each at home for 7 days each, take the benefit of distance selling regulations and buy whichever one ticks the most boxes whilst returning the two you like the least. You will answer you own questions more than adequately.

Perhaps if you re-read my original post you might spot "So, I have the choice of the following. Which would you consider 'best buy' for a small (12 x 14ft room)." I don't recall asking for alternatives.

You are right that I didn't mention research but having got to a shortlist of 3 might have given the game away.

Many thanks for your internet suggestion - thats one way of auditioning I had not considered.
Alears: I would like to return to a choice between my original three speakers listed.

Fair enough - when reading the original post it's hard to believe that things could have got so heated!
Yes, I read it, have no need to re-read it and "I have a choice of the following" in and of itself means zilch unless you explain why. Until then, you're just another reader that's glanced - perchance - over a bunch of boxes that people like and gives zero insight into how you arrived at the selection you've made.

"Shortlist" is another word that's suddenly appeared and had you gone down that route earlier (i.e. mentioning the word itself) then that suggest you have researched and not just grabbed three speaker names out the air and posted on here. Subtle I know.
Alears:....and I quote.......... 'An unqualified reference to a 'monitor' speaker often refers to a 'near-field' (compact or close-field) design. This is a speaker small enough to sit on a stand or desk in proximity to the listener (called a 'bookshelf' speaker in hi-fi parlance), so that most of the sound that the listener hears is coming directly from the speaker, rather than reflecting off of walls and ceilings (and thus picking up coloration and reverberation from the room).'

I have a issues with this.

Firstly, monitor speakers, as it mention are 'near field'. Most normal hi-fi systems are far from near field. Most people sit across the room to their speakers, not 2 feet away from them.

Secondly, the nearer you sit to a conventional two way speaker, the more you're aware of the two separate drivers, producing their own specific frequency range. Anyone who has ever got close to a two way speaker will know that moving your head 1cm in any direction can have a huge impact on what is heard as far as balance is concerned. The best speakers for near field monitoring would be those that use a dual concentric driverlike the KEF UniQ designs.

Also, sitting on top of a desk will produce mid/high frequency reflection off the table.
Dan Turner:However the OP has the best part of £3k's worth of pre/power amplification - does anyone seriously think that replacing that and a decent pair of price compatible speakers, with a pair of £800 active speakers... is going to be an improvement?
It can be. Or put another way, there's no reason it can't be.

In the same way an Ariel Atom would blitz many a supercar. And at a fraction of the price.

It all depends on what you need and the way in which you'll use it. Even in professional studios/installations you'll find a mix of active and passive designs.

Regarding the EB2 vs ATC showdown, I'd also like to see WHF go into more detail in relation to setup... go on... pretty please.
AL13N:It can be. Or put another way, there's no reason it can't be.

Not all actives are created equal, so it can be, and also may not be.

In the same way an Ariel Atom would blitz many a supercar. And at a fraction of the price.

You mean that one that kept breaking on Top Gear? Other than having 4 wheels, it's not really much of a normal car is it? At least 'real' road cars work
umm... hi David.

No disrespect... but... why have you just repeated the point I made?
FrankHarveyHiFi:Although your comments seemed to both be positive, falling in favour of the actives.
From the first two lines, yes. But I thought the third paragraph made it clear.

To summarise, whatever works best for you, with your music, in your acoustic space.
Morning guys, see the thread has got heated in places!

I agree how excellent active monitors are. Have a pair of Edirol MA-15DBK which are used in a small room for music off my 'Core i7' hard drive.

I sympathize that active speakers are not a consideration. (his choice and loss)
The next hurdle to overcome is auditioning a shortlist at home. Remember speakers need a min 200hrs to bed in and can sound very poor until they have done so.

A good specialist dealer is worth there weight in gold in your situation, you are buying blind otherwise.
Only YOUR EARS know whats right for you. IMHO
trevor79:Remember speakers need a min 200hrs to bed in and can sound very poor until they have done so.

So a typically busy person who gets an hour or so a day to listen during the week and a few hours (maybe) at a weekend, could be looking at a home dem lasting up to 20 weeks - just for one pair of speakers - before hearing the best of out them?

Juggling three pairs on an extended home demo/comparison could mean three times that duration (especially as most people don't have three systems to keep them all running in concurrently whilst they are out at work.)

Alternatively you could ask the dealer (or manufacturer in the case of the EB2s) to run in a pair for 200 hours before sending them for demo and still possibly have them rejected/returned!

I can foresee one or two problems... "Hello Mr EB Rick. Really sorry it took quite a few months to return these speakers for refund, but I had to give them - and two other sets of speakers - 200 hours each to run-in before I could make any judgement and I only had a few hours a week for each speaker comparison and only one system to run them all in on. Oh yes, I have read my consumer rights regarding distance sellers and expect a full refund of the postage too. Thanks. Yours etc.."


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