Monitor Audio RS6 vs. Sonus Faber Toy


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello everybody,

My current current system is:

-NAD C542

-Naim Nait 5i (VER.02)

-Monitor Audio RS6

The room is around 17MP (5M X 3.5M),speakers being placed along 5M side.

I had recently the occasion to make a comparison of my current speakers with Spendor S3e and Sonus Faber Toy.

To my surprise ,I found that RS6 sound is very "colored" and the bass is boomy vs the other two speakers.

Much more ,I was very impressed by the musicality of Sonus Faber at the
point that I am very tempted to buy a pair even they are a little bass
shy and very slow for pop and electronic music.

Personally I didn`t like very much the Spendors which I found to dark for my tastes.

- What do you consider that should be more appropriate for my room , a bookshelf or a floorstander?

- Having in mind the positive reviews for RS6,do you consider a
downgrade from RS6 to Sonus Faber Toy and if so what would be your
i agree the toy is in a different class so that would be an upgrade

you might be better off looking for a pair of concertinos which share the same sonus faber family sound but if you auditioned at home and found the toys worked in your room then theyll be fine

by the way theyre not slow with pop music after you listen for a while you realise theyre neutral whereas other speakers amplify the bounce factor

excellent match with the 5i by the way
Thanks for your comment.

To me was a big surprise because of the huge difference of sizes between RS6 and Toy.

I used Chord Anthem 2 and Odyssey 2 speaker cables.

Another difference was when I changed NAD C542 with Naim CD5 using proprietary Naim DIN interconnect but I could live for a while with NAD.The big improvement went from speaker replacement.
What you are experiencing is the difference between (good) mid-fi and true Hi-Fi. Obviously there's a price differential. A modest subwoofer would fill out the missing regions from the Sonus Faber.
Kevin1:What you are experiencing is the difference between (good) mid-fi and true Hi-Fi. Obviously there's a price differential. A modest subwoofer would fill out the missing regions from the Sonus Faber.

I don`t even want to think what will be the sound of Auditor M if the budget Toy sounds so good.

Anyway ,I suspect that main problem of RS6 is the reduced space of my living room and their constraints in positioning.

I will try to get to make some auditions in Bucharest for Dynaudio,Neat,ProAC,Rega and Focal before taking a final decision.

Until now SF Toy and Dynaudio 52 impressed me most.
kerio:Hello everybody,

My current current system is:
-NAD C542
-Naim Nait 5i (VER.02)
-Monitor Audio RS6
The room is around 17MP (5M X 3.5M),speakers being placed along 5M side.

I had recently the occasion to make a comparison of my current speakers with Spendor S3e and Sonus Faber Toy.
To my surprise ,I found that RS6 sound is very "colored" and the bass is boomy vs the other two speakers.
Much more ,I was very impressed by the musicality of Sonus Faber at the point that I am very tempted to buy a pair even they are a little bass shy and very slow for pop and electronic music.
Personally I didn`t like very much the Spendors which I found to dark for my tastes.

- What do you consider that should be more appropriate for my room , a bookshelf or a floorstander?
- Having in mind the positive reviews for RS6,do you consider a downgrade from RS6 to Sonus Faber Toy and if so what would be your recommendation?

Just an observation about the RS6's. When I tested out Naim amp I found my RS6' s very fatiguing, so maybe compare your CDP to a different brand. You'll find the RS6's will take on a different sonic dimension.
plastic penguin:
Just an observation about the RS6's. When I tested out Naim amp I found my RS6' s very fatiguing, so maybe compare your CDP to a different brand. You'll find the RS6's will take on a different sonic dimension.

I liked a lot RS6 and I still do for what these speakers offer for the money paid but I repeat,I don`t have problems with the brightness or the highs of these speakers.

I found the bass to be uncontrolled and I suspect that in my room a bookshelf would be more adequate.

If I knew that cables will solve this problem I would definitely give them one more chance but I don`t think that is the right solution instead to buy a clearly superior speaker.
kerio:plastic penguin:
Just an observation about the RS6's. When I tested out Naim amp I found my RS6' s very fatiguing, so maybe compare your CDP to a different brand. You'll find the RS6's will take on a different sonic dimension.

I liked a lot RS6 and I still do for what these speakers offer for the money paid but I repeat,I don`t have problems with the brightness or the highs of these speakers.

I found the bass to be uncontrolled and I suspect that in my room a bookshelf would be more adequate.

If I knew that cables will solve this problem I would definitely give them one more chance but I don`t think that is the right solution instead to buy a clearly superior speaker.

For me, the tight controlled bass is the best feature of my RS6s.
Gerrardasnails:kerio:plastic penguin:

Just an observation about the RS6's. When I tested out Naim amp I found my RS6' s very fatiguing, so maybe compare your CDP to a different brand. You'll find the RS6's will take on a different sonic dimension.

I liked a lot RS6 and I still do for what these speakers offer for the money paid but I repeat,I don`t have problems with the brightness or the highs of these speakers.

I found the bass to be uncontrolled and I suspect that in my room a bookshelf would be more adequate.

If I knew that cables will solve this problem I would definitely give them one more chance but I don`t think that is the right solution instead to buy a clearly superior speaker.

For me, the tight controlled bass is the best feature of my RS6s.

Too true, gerrard. They are a wonderful speaker, but they are sensitive to matching. Get it it right they are fine. Get it wrong and they sound dreadful. Naim and Monitor Audio, especially if you have relatively compact room, is fatiguing from excessive bottom end.

Last year I posted my findings, titled: Naim is rubbish. Some people took that the wrong way, but it wasn't a knock at Naim's ability, but just matched poorly other brands do it better.
plastic penguin:Gerrardasnails:kerio:plastic penguin:

Just an observation about the RS6's. When I tested out Naim amp I found my RS6' s very fatiguing, so maybe compare your CDP to a different brand. You'll find the RS6's will take on a different sonic dimension.

I liked a lot RS6 and I still do for what these speakers offer for the money paid but I repeat,I don`t have problems with the brightness or the highs of these speakers.

I found the bass to be uncontrolled and I suspect that in my room a bookshelf would be more adequate.

If I knew that cables will solve this problem I would definitely give them one more chance but I don`t think that is the right solution instead to buy a clearly superior speaker.

For me, the tight controlled bass is the best feature of my RS6s.

Too true, gerrard. They are a wonderful speaker, but they are sensitive to matching. Get it it right they are fine. Get it wrong and they sound dreadful. Naim and Monitor Audio, especially if you have relatively compact room, is fatiguing from excessive bottom end.

Last year I posted my findings, titled: Naim is rubbish. Some people took that the wrong way, but it wasn't a knock at Naim's ability, but just matched poorly other brands do it better.

Sorry, chaps! somebody knocked on the front door.

Anyway, I was going to say that I don't think, given the OP's description, a change of leads will make sufficient difference.

Your room is the 'culprit' in the bass becoming boomy and uncontrolled and nothing more - you need to give enough room for a floorstander to breathe, please. I'm more than sure in a room size like 12 x 21, the RS6 won't sound boomy and will truely excel, coz i have such kind of room and bass is tight and the RS6 really sings here. I hope you get my drift?

I think Frankharvey or some dealer here who vouch there is excellent snynergy between Naim and RS6, but i've never heard this combo. In the distant future am also planning on a Naim with my RS6, so am still open to the idea of Naim going/notgoing well with MA.

Thanks guys.

I am not here to blame RS6.

The problem is that I cannot change the room so I must look to a compact solution.

Maybe a step to a GS10 will be another option.

It is true that bypassing bi wire links RS6 become RS1 on stands?
I don't have any major troubles with my RS6s, and I'm in a 3mx4m conservatory. Although I'm guessing the NAP180 probably has a smidgen more control over the cones than a Nait.

However, I don't listen very loud and do have microfibre cloths plugging the back port so maybe the problem just hasn't manifested itself yet.

I would try and get some home demos, as I think this is the only way you will be able to find what matches your room well.

Thanks guys.

I am not here to blame RS6.

The problem is that I cannot change the room so I must look to a compact solution.

Maybe a step to a GS10 will be another option.

It is true that bypassing bi wire links RS6 become RS1 on stands?

Don't really follow the by-passing thing.

GS10's will improve things, but if you're going to change the speakers the best matches for Naim is Neat or PMC.
the sonus faber toy is a better class speaker as are some of the others mentioned and thats not saying the ma is bad but its not quite as good

forget the cabling solution because it wont make enough difference as pp says

sonus faber is also one of the best matches for naim check there forum

now im going back to a client to work out why windows 7 dosent work what a waste of a day
one off:
the sonus faber toy is a better class speaker as are some of the others mentioned and thats not saying the ma is bad but its not quite as good

Yes,no doubt about it!

I heard it by myself.The musicality and smooth sound of SF is clearly above RS6 with or without positioning and matching.

I consider RS6 a good all-arounder but still mid-fi.
... To my surprise ,I found that RS6 sound is very "colored" and the bass is boomy ...

Surely not!
... To my surprise ,I found that RS6 sound is very "colored" and the bass is boomy ...

Surely not!

Right now I am auditioning Monitor Audio RS6 on Audio Analogue Puccini and another pair of Focal Chorus 816V brought by a friend of mine.

On both Naim and Puccini and swaping the cables from Kimber Hero to Chord Anthem ,Focal is a winner.The bass is definitively controlled and the separation better than RS6.

Thanks everyone for advices!

I will sell the RS6 and get Sonus Faber instead.To me it was the best of all until now!

... To my surprise ,I found that RS6 sound is very "colored" and the bass is boomy ...

Surely not!

Right now I am auditioning Monitor Audio RS6 on Audio Analogue Puccini and another pair of Focal Chorus 816V brought by a friend of mine.

On both Naim and Puccini and swaping the cables from Kimber Hero to Chord Anthem ,Focal is a winner.The bass is definitively controlled and the separation better than RS6.

Thanks everyone for advices!

I will sell the RS6 and get Sonus Faber instead.To me it was the best of all until now!

Sonus Faber at around 3 x the price should be err.....superior!
At that price of SF, why dont you compare Gold series of MA ? - its not fair attacking an excellent RS6 if your mind is already made to buy that SF.
vinod_david:At that price of SF, why dont you compare Gold series of MA ? - its not fair attacking an excellent RS6 if your mind is already made to buy that SF.the voicing of sonus faber and ma are different so if you like the former your unlikely to be happy with the latter

also its each to his or her own and noone is attacking anything so no need to get upset
vinod_david:At that price of SF, why dont you compare Gold series of MA ? - its not fair attacking an excellent RS6 if your mind is already made to buy that SF.

Not fair?Attacking?

Chill out man!

I am just looking for an advise and not to get commercial ads from some happy MA users.

Like I said before,I am a previous user of MA RS6 which means that ,at a moment in time,this was a right choice for me.Not at this moment!
The comparison is ridiculous. Given the prices I would be concerned if the SFs didn't sound better in SOME ways

More interestingly, you seem impressed by the Focals (which doesn't surprise me at all because they are fabulous speakers). Are they not an option? I would have thought they represent a better all round balance than the SFs.
matthewpiano:The comparison is ridiculous. Given the prices I would be concerned if the SFs didn't sound better in SOME ways

More interestingly, you seem impressed by the Focals (which doesn't surprise me at all because they are fabulous speakers). Are they not an option? I would have thought they represent a better all round balance than the SFs.

Totally agree with you!

As for the Focal,yes, could be a more flexible option vs. Sonus Faber.

I liked also Dynaudio 52 but I listen them using a Primare amp which is different to Naim.

Surprisingly, taking in account the recommendations,I was not so impressed with Spendors.In direct comparison to RS6 ,Spendors seemed to mask the details.