Monitor Audio PL200 / AV advice


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Dec 16, 2003
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Hi, I am looking to upgrade my speakers to the following Monitor Audio pl200 and centre plc150 and am planning to use the Silver RXFX for my rears and RXW12 as my sub.

So here are my questions (I am home trialling the PL200 and am convinced that these are the speakers for me)

Any ideas/thoughts on speaker wire upgrade, I am currently on QED Silver anniversary which sound good, but I think an upgrade would be worthwhile.

Also will the rears work well with the platinum - I really need wall mounted as oppossed to bookshelf.

Is it worth upgrading my REL Quake, will I hear much difference? I also have the GX150 on home trial, is there much difference in the PLC150 and GX150

Finally does anybody know any places with good January deals or discounts on Monitor Audio kit (I dont mind B-Stock or used if it helps to keep the budget down)

Also any thoughts, help and advice would be really appreciated.

Many thanks



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Hello Mate

Chord Odyssey or better yet Epic - Epic is stunning mate!

Both the chord cables are in a different league to QED SA (still use SA for my rears)

I went from SA to Russ Andrews 8TC - very expensive

to QED Revelation - then after I heard Odysey I went onto Epic.

Those speakers warrant the extra in Epic but Odyssey is still very very good!

I cant comment on the MS speakers mix you are considering but I use B&W N805 and HTM4s as my front 3, but have B&W CDM SNT which are wall mounted rears.

The SNT are from the lesser CDM range so dont exactly sonically match and you can hear some difference at times in the front to back to sound - but its often enough to really matter.

As they are speakers from the same manufacturer and are of a very good quality you will be ok

For a sub BK Electronic Rock - especially for the money

XXLS400 is fantatsic and good for music - monolith for films only if you have the space and want more rumble from the sub.

The XXLS400 does go very hard is fairly transparent for a sealed box


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thanks Ellisdj, I did consider the BK Monolith but I just dont want it to dominate my space. Your suggestion of the XXLS400 is an option, but will it outperform my current REL Quake by much do you think? I had discounted it due to the price point being too close to my current sub.

I had considered the Odyssey but as I only have short distance to run might go all out for the Epic, do you find this a neutral cable or does it add any character - Its punch and detail Im looking for and just feel the the QED can sound a little harsh on some recordings higher frequencies with the extent of the MA's tweeter.

Thanks again for your comments


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IMO you should avoid silver coated cable, and stick with all copper whether its from Chord, Atlas or Telurium Q. Cheaper cable is OK for the rears.

I think that the rears will be fine provided you go with the MAs. The Missions would get you by in the short term, if your wallet needed to recover for a while.

Your system deserves a great sub even if you have to wait for a while....imo money spent here brings greater benefits than on the rears. Upgrading can be done in fact do the home demo in stages and spend the money where it brings the greatest benefit.

The SVS SB13-Plus is the best "bang for buck" sub that I've come across. Others that I rate are Velodyne SPL Ultra series, Paradigm Seismic 110 and the more expensive models from BK (nothing wrong with the cheaper ones, but set sights higher).


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Who is lending you the PL200's to trial? Surely they are the best person to ask for a deal?

The REL is completely out of its depth ( terrible pun) in this system and money spent here will give you great rewards.


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Thanks Nick, you're right and they are the best source for my deal. I just wanted to see if anybody had any experience of discounts available etc. I have been quoted 10% discount, but in these times I feel that it doesn't harm to shop around for other peoples experience and discounts available etc.

I take your point on the sub and I think that I shall concentrate on the fronts, centre, surrounds and speaker cable for the moment and look at a sub in a couple of months. I cannot house anything too big (I have stretched my lounge size allowance) and dont want to push it so small and powerful is my requirement. The Paradigm Seismic 110 has been recommended and looks footprint wise perfect, cost wise - its just stretching me. I was hoping to get in around the £800 mark.

Thanks for your response, Lee
Hi Lee

The REL Quake is a good sub however an alternatively sub such as the Silver RXW-12 will give a you a big upgrade in performance and bring the standard of the .1 channel much closer to the quality of Platinum PL200's.

As good as the Gold GXC150 centre speaker is however the Platinum PLC150 is offers much better levels of build, finishing, performance etc. Just lift a Gold GXC150 and then a Platinum PLC150 and i think you'll realize as to partly why the Platinum PLC150 costs extra.

Silver RX-FX's will do a perfectly good job however if your budget allows then the Gold GX-FX speakers are also worth bearing in mind. Not only will the overall standard of performance of the Gold GX-FX's be much closer to that of Platinum PL200's but Gold GX-FX's are also capable of giving an even more accurate and coherent soundfield (particularly in relation to PL200's, PLC150 and GXC150) with their use of a Ribbon HF unit.

As for speaker cables i feel you can achieve excellent levels of performance for a very modest outlay. I'll recommend that you consider using standard 79 strand OFC or at a push 500 strand OFC type. Fwiw, i have used/use these standard speaker cables with Yamaha's DSP-Z11, Chord Electronics DSP8000/SPM3005, Plinius Odean with Platinum PL300 AV/PL200 AV speaker systems.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft


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Sutch71 said:
I take your point on the sub and I think that I shall concentrate on the fronts, centre, surrounds and speaker cable for the moment and look at a sub in a couple of months. I cannot house anything too big (I have stretched my lounge size allowance) and dont want to push it so small and powerful is my requirement. The Paradigm Seismic 110 has been recommended and looks footprint wise perfect, cost wise - its just stretching me. I was hoping to get in around the £800 mark.

If you can possibly stretch to the Seismic 110, it is imo the best small sub out there. I was so impressed when I heard it, that I started a thread on it here:

Up to that point, my favorite small sub (as stated) was the SPL800 Ultra. For the money you are looking to spend, you might find the Velodyne SPL 800i (doesn't have the EQ and remote control), or even the 800R (predecessor of the Ultra).

My advise is not to skimp on the sub, and if necessary wait until you can afford one of the above 2 choices.....imo they are head and shoulders above subs of a similar size.

Good hunting



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Thanks Rick and Cno

I think I will go down the route of pl200 and plc150. I would love the gold rears but there are just way too chunky for my and they come at a hefty price, so as long as I get the same type of sound (would love to replicate the ribbons) but silver may just be the limit for the minute. I have read so much good stuff about chord apex that they at least should get a home audition if not an outright buy, I am on qed sa at the moment and from reviews and forums I should see a big difference from a relatively small outlay (just on front and centre - so quite small runs). Would be interested if anybody thinks theses would sound too bright with the higher freq range on the pl200s? I think I will then set out to look at appropriate subs and like the look and reviews of the seismic 110 - I will keep my fleabay eye on for any coming up :)

Thanks for all of your comments guys


Do not know if you can get hold of it, but Audioquest Rocket 88 would be a very good speaker cable to consider.


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Wikus said:
Do not know if you can get hold of it, but Audioquest Rocket 88 would be a very good speaker cable to consider.
Though not familiar with that particular one, Audioquest make very good cable at all price levels.


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If you chewck the AV Forums as well you will see glowing review after report about BK Subs.

Ring the co. and have a chat and they will help you .

Trust me the XXLS400 is stunning especially for the money - you need an anitimode as well with all subs ;)


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Dec 16, 2003
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Thanks for all of the advice chaps. Monitor Audio Pl200 and plc150 installed and wonderful chord epic supertwin in place and I have to say that I am blown away and have a permenent big grin on my face. Now then, just the rears and sub to sort out now.



Hi Sutch mate

Awesome choice of speakers far play :)
I love my platinums they bring a huge smile to my face with everything , don't think I will ever change them .
What colour did you go for ?
From bamz
Sutch71 said:
Thanks for all of the advice chaps. Monitor Audio Pl200 and plc150 installed and wonderful chord epic supertwin in place and I have to say that I am blown away and have a permenent big grin on my face. Now then, just the rears and sub to sort out now.


Hi Sutch71

Nice one 8) and i hope that you enjoy the performance of your Platinum speakers for many years to come :)

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft


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Feb 17, 2012
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Bamz said:
I love my platinums they bring a huge smile to my face with everything , don't think I will ever change them

Same here, had my PL200s for 2 weeks - they're incredible! :)

Very detailed top end but without sounding bright. So neutral and natural. Bass is very tight and musical too, but I can see a sub could be added for using with films.


Hi jij mate ,
Glad you are enjoying you Pl 200 s to :) they are the best speakers ever even though I would be very biased towards them , but I would not part with them at all , :grin:
The PLW 15 works Awesome with them to if you are thinking of adding a sub,CRAZY with films and very good with music to if you ever felt the need for more Bass >)
I was very lucky with my PLW 15 and had a fantastic ex demo deal with David and kevin at hifix

From bamz


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