I am currently using the BR2s, they are about 10cm max. away from the wall. The bass was, well, incredible if you like your music to have prominent bass. I don't like my bass to be OTT but I do like a bit of bass weight in my music, and these were perfect. As for putting them pretty much on/next to the wall, well I don't think it would make that much difference. I noticed a little increase in bass when they were placed close to the wall (from around 30cm away from the wall), but nothing that changes the face of the sound. If you do want to reduce the bass on them though, they do come with port bungs which can be used to decrease bass, or you can do what I did yesterday and take some foam (I used the foam from the packaging of a hard drive[about 5cms thick]) and put it behind the piece of wood in the middle of the 8-shape frame inside the speakers. This does require taking out the driver, but this can be done in about 5 mins. with a drill and an allen key piece. You probably won't have to do this, I only did it because I wanted to see how it effected the sound of the speakers.