Modern cd player


New member
Jul 13, 2008

I have a old denon dcd-715 cd palyer that i bought back in 1995. This is running through my pioneer a-a6 amp and my B&W 683 speakers.

The amp and the speakers sound good together but the cd player seems to sound a bit thin on some types of music.

I was wondering if there is a better alternative available that would suit the rest of my system better than the denon (budget around £200).


Why not just purchase a cheap dvd player with a digital out and purchase a second hand beresford dac to connect it to
ok. i did some arsing oabout with sticking the same cd in both my dvd player and my cd player and switching back and forth on the amp.

made a discovery that the interconnects from my cd player were not doing it any justice. (cambridge audio pacific).

i am in the process of remaking the ends on these as i type. in case this turns out to be a waste of time, what interconnects would be recommended to give a nice full sound to my cd player with lots of clarity.


New cd player. Interconnects make a 0.001% difference at best. I'd go for a Marantz SA 7001 which can be had at bargain prices at the moment.
Tarquinh:......... Interconnects make a 0.001% difference at best........

The single most important and influential 0.001% that you will ever, ever experience in your whole life.
i agree, after having stipped down my interconnects, i found that the quality of the weld from the cable to the connector to be very poor (a mere tacking of solder).

The cable was stripped back and remade and given a much stronger weld to the connectors.

the midrange is now a lot more colourful and the overall sound is lot fuller.

so if you have cheapish interconnects, check your solder welds.
the conclusion to my oddysey was to buy a pioneer pd-d6j cd player to with my amp.

got it for 200 pounds from richer sounds in chelsea.

the conclusion to my oddysey was to buy a pioneer pd-d6j cd player to with my amp.

got it for 200 pounds from richer sounds in chelsea.


I take it that means you are pleased with the new CD player then?

£200 for one of those sounds like a terrific bargain. They seem to be a bit thin on the ground these days. Do tell us how it sounds!!
it sounds immense!!!

i cant believe the difference it made over my old denon cd player.

on a technical note, it seems that the rca output of the pioneer is driven higher than that of he denon, so the sound is far more even. This was a problem with the denon. The sound quality could come and go as the volume of the particular intrument changed, possibly due to the poorly driven line out.

The pioneer is far more close to the sound of a good record deck, without the crackles. A good dense clear powerful sound.

Listened to the elbow album (seldom seen kid), earlier and the detail was discected with utmost clarity without losing any of the feeling.

I only have one SACD (dark side of the moon) and this sounded ok, but i will have to check out some more recent SACD recordings to be really blown away by this new format. (i cant be bothered to go trawling through Ca Ira!)

It partners really well with the pioneer a-a6 amp and my b&w 683 speakers. It has finally made my set up sound like a 1600 pound set up.

rock and roll.



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