[quote user="Andrew Everard"]
Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to Tallyho's Grand Theory of HDMI Lipsynch - I think we'll be reading a lot about it in the coming days and weeks.
The answer to the OP is no, by the way. I'm not saying that different cables don't make a diference, or indeed getting sucked into that argument again, but no, using cables of two different brands won't create problems.
I haven't difinitively said that these cables make a difference have I?...........I'm not the expert!.....You are!
I'm just giving you my story....no grand theory expounded here
You say above that :" I am not saying that different cables don't make a difference" implying that perhaps certain versions do?
I agree with you when you say that that different Brands of cable won't make a difference but it's possible that different Versions of HDMI cable could make a difference in some cases when the TV, AV amp, DVD Player are compliant with different HDMI versions.
And don't worry............You won't be reading a lot about this in the coming days or weeks..........not from me anyway