Metal-head needs help! (Please!)

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Rush Man:How does the Cyrus CD8SE sound? To your ear of course!

Lean and detailed but my amp and headphones smooths them out a wee bit!
pommie steve:
you should try listening to deep purple in rock with silver cables - thats enough to make your ears bleed.

I do and it does!!
the record spot:Big Rush fan here (have you seen "Beyond The Lighted Stage" yet?). Have a look at a livelier amp first. I think if you can get the bottom end shifting with some good clarity (which the Roksan ought to deliver) then it's a case of how well it partners the Arcam. I'd be inclined to change things one step at a time. Amp, then speakers, then source. Cables if you must thereafter. Changing the cable now won't resolve your fundamental issues I think, hence leave that to last IMO.

Yes I have and it's superb. I love music documentarys generally, but BTLS is by far the best I've seen yet. And I promise I'm not being biased, it's genuinely wonderful. My eldest doesn't care for Rush at all, but she loved BTLS; I even caught her watching it once when I came home from work!

Thanks for the advice btw.
Rush Man:pommie steve:

you should try listening to deep purple in rock with silver cables - thats enough to make your ears bleed.

I do and it does!!

I recommend Atlas Titan interconnects. They're being discontinued so check eBay for bargains on brand new old stock.

Nice heft to them without losing the detail.
Big Chris:
I concur with the speaker change. Having used a CD72 for 6/7 years before trading up, I can state it's not responsible for the bright sound you're experiencing. I'd demo some B&W CM7s, see if that helps. You could also add a subwoofer as this will add plenty of weight to your sound. A pair of CM7s and an ASW610 would transform your sound.

The amp is probably not helping, but seeing as it's already a good step up from your speakers, I'd leave the amp for the present.

Thanks mate. Rock on!!
Rush Man:Big Chris:

I concur with the speaker change. Having used a CD72 for 6/7 years before trading up, I can state it's not responsible for the bright sound you're experiencing. I'd demo some B&W CM7s, see if that helps. You could also add a subwoofer as this will add plenty of weight to your sound. A pair of CM7s and an ASW610 would transform your sound.

The amp is probably not helping, but seeing as it's already a good step up from your speakers, I'd leave the amp for the present.

Thanks mate. Rock on!!

No probs. As an aside, and being a fellow metaller, I'd recommend you check out 'Cynic', 'Textures', 'Gojira', 'Meshuggah', 'Veil Of Maya', 'The Faceless', 'Animals As Leaders'. Assuming you've not heard any, if not all, of that list.
Big Chris:Rush Man:Big Chris:

I concur with the speaker change. Having used a CD72 for 6/7 years before trading up, I can state it's not responsible for the bright sound you're experiencing. I'd demo some B&W CM7s, see if that helps. You could also add a subwoofer as this will add plenty of weight to your sound. A pair of CM7s and an ASW610 would transform your sound.

The amp is probably not helping, but seeing as it's already a good step up from your speakers, I'd leave the amp for the present.

Thanks mate. Rock on!!

No probs. As an aside, and being a fellow metaller, I'd recommend you check out 'Cynic', 'Textures', 'Gojira', 'Meshuggah', 'Veil Of Maya', 'The Faceless', 'Animals As Leaders'. Assuming you've not heard any, if not all, of that list.

Heard them all except 'Veil Of Maya' and 'The Faceless'. Have seen 'Cynic', 'Gojira' and 'Meshuggah' live - great bands!!
With a risk of getting boo here! I wouldn't worry too much about cables just yet. I would just Buy any well build copper-base interconnects and speakers cables for now. later, when the fund allow you could spend some on fan

This is what I was thinking to be honest. It's just I personally found the QED SA had quite an odd effect on the system. For me it robbed the music of drive so that when things should have been charging along there was no punch. Unfortunately I was under the impression that this cable couldn't make that difference, and therefore lived with it for several years! I would say change the speaker cable to just a good quality copper and then you can asses what your system needs from there.
Big Chris:

I concur with the speaker change. Having used a CD72 for 6/7 years before trading up, I can state it's not responsible for the bright sound you're experiencing. I'd demo some B&W CM7s, see if that helps. You could also add a subwoofer as this will add plenty of weight to your sound. A pair of CM7s and an ASW610 would transform your sound.

The amp is probably not helping, but seeing as it's already a good step up from your speakers, I'd leave the amp for the present.

Hey Chris. I've just been having a look at those B&W CM7s you recommended and I wondered if I could ask you for some more advice, please? I'll assume the answer is yes, so here goes... Seeing as I can't have speakers standing out from my wall by anymore than 10-12 inches, would the CM7s sound too boomy, especially with them being rear-ported? A few guys on here have recommended closed cabinets such as ATCs because of my restriction. I know it comes down to having a listen but two dealers I have found won't allow me a home demo!
Any ideas etc? Btw, how does the Atlas I/C sound? A guy at Sevenoaks (Wetherby) suggested changing to an Atlas.

Thanks buddy.
First of all. I've never seen Meshuggah live so I'm a little jealous!

The Atlas Titans are very good with no weaknesses I can think of. I recently changed from my Kimber Silver Streak I/Cs, which were very fast and detailed, but definitely on the leaner side of neutral. The Titan's balanced it out nicely without sounding dull and leaden (which the VDH interconnnects I had years ago did). Silver cables and lean/bright-ness tend to go hand-in-hand. It's not always the case, but is a relatively good rule of thumb.

With regards the CM7s, it's hard to say without hearing them in position. You may not be able to get a home demo, but try them in the dealers in a similar position to how they'd be at your home. You might also want to try the Monitor Audio RX6.

Closed cabinets will tend to offer a faster more precise bass, but usually less actual weight than a ported design. A sub can be invaluable in getting the bass and weight you desire. I know I doubt I'll go back to using my hi-fi without a sub.
Big Chris:

First of all. I've never seen Meshuggah live so I'm a little jealous!

The Atlas Titans are very good with no weaknesses I can think of. I recently changed from my Kimber Silver Streak I/Cs, which were very fast and detailed, but definitely on the leaner side of neutral. The Titan's balanced it out nicely without sounding dull and leaden (which the VDH interconnnects I had years ago did). Silver cables and lean/bright-ness tend to go hand-in-hand. It's not always the case, but is a relatively good rule of thumb.

With regards the CM7s, it's hard to say without hearing them in position. You may not be able to get a home demo, but try them in the dealers in a similar position to how they'd be at your home. You might also want to try the Monitor Audio RX6.

Closed cabinets will tend to offer a faster more precise bass, but usually less actual weight than a ported design. A sub can be invaluable in getting the bass and weight you desire. I know I doubt I'll go back to using my hi-fi without a sub.

Meshuggah were amazing; I saw them in Atlanta, GA a few years back when I was in the States for a NASCAR race. Head-crushing and face-meltingly awesome they were!

Thanks for yet more advice. I'm really looking forward to my next long weekend off as I'm going to be busy busy busy it seems. Demos ahoy! Fingers crossed I'll find something suitable: speakers first methinks! Watch this space!

Rush Man, do you listen to any Prog Metal? The likes of Dream Theater, Shadow Gallery, Ice Age, The Sword, Mastodon, Magellan, Transatlantic?

Just curious!

Anyway, good luck with the auditioning - I've found that half the fun comes from the thrill of the search!

Rush Man, do you listen to any Prog Metal? The likes of Dream Theater, Shadow Gallery, Ice Age, The Sword, Mastodon, Magellan, Transatlantic?

Just curious!

Anyway, good luck with the auditioning - I've found that half the fun comes from the thrill of the search!

All of the above, except Ice Age, mate. I LOVE Mastodon, superb band. I saw them in Nottingham the last time they were here; they played the whole of Crack The Skye!! Twas amazing!!
Rush Man:Singslinger:
Rush Man, do you listen to any Prog Metal? The likes of Dream Theater, Shadow Gallery, Ice Age, The Sword, Mastodon, Magellan, Transatlantic?

Just curious!

Anyway, good luck with the auditioning - I've found that half the fun comes from the thrill of the search!

All of the above, except Ice Age, mate. I LOVE Mastodon, superb band. I saw them in Nottingham the last time they were here; they played the whole of Crack The Skye!! Twas amazing!!

Good man! Crack the Skye is a masterpiece - probably the best metal album I've heard in a long time! Ice Age doesn't exist anymore, they broke up after 2 albums - though both are well worth checking out. Very much like Dream Theater and Shadow Gallery.

Rock on!
hi rush man

i think QED is just not for metal music. i have a pair of qed evolution speaker cables, even on my warm setup it sounds quite tiny sharp and bright. ÿso i use Chord Carnival Silverscreen and i think you cant go wrong with this

from my experience of ÿWharfedales (not your model though) i think they are warm speakers and Roksan is not bright either, so it may well be the cables that are the weakest link of our setup