Matching old and new - MDAC+ and Quad II

John Fulwood

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
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Hi all, I have acquired a couple of Quad II power amps that I intend to have serviced and made able to take a modern pre-amp and mains as the Quad 22 is, according to some, the weakest link and not practical for modern multi-source set-up.
I am thinking of an Audiolab MDAC+ as the hub for this system with an original Sonos Connect to provide the streaming content until I upgrade it. I'll connect it with a digital coax cable. I will also connect an old Sony reference CD player through digital optical.
Question 1 - has anyone got any experiences, good and bad, with linking vintage gear into a modern system? What do I need to look out for?
Question 2 - what does anyone think of the MDAC+? It's been out for a few years, anyone got any intel on if there is likely to be another-one out anytime soon?
Thank you for your thoughts.


Well-known member
Hi all, I have acquired a couple of Quad II power amps that I intend to have serviced and made able to take a modern pre-amp
That's the relevant bit John. As long as their input sensitivities are suitable for the DAC.
Then the usual power-up rule applies; pre first, power amp last.
Power amp off before pre on switch off.

I've had the original MDAC on home loan (as part of the 8200 CDP - but it's the same thing).
OK though it was, I couldn't justify spending £600 on an MDAC.
The MDAC+ is supposed to be better (as you might hope for £200 more) but I doubt there'd be a lot in it.
Maybe you're looking for a seconhand MDAC+?
Personally I'd be looking to spend way less than £800 on a DAC, these days.


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