marantz pm6003 v pm66se kI sig


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I own the marantz pm66se ki sig and would like to know how it would compare to the newer pm 6003.I ask this as the pm 66se KI is a bit too large and does not have a remote.


Both excellent amps but the PM66SE KI-Signature is the better one IMO. Changing to the newer amp would be a bit of a backward step. I think you should be looking to a PM8003 as a more worthy successor to the KI-Signature.
Thanks mathewpiano for your reply,I will take your advice onboard.I know my amp is a good one but I was unsure if it was now a bit outdated.

No problem. I don't think your amp is outdated at all. Like my Pioneer, your KI-Signature is a classic piece of kit and one of the most complete sounding and musical budget amps ever made.
You might also like to know, if you don't already, that there should be a remote, so you may be able to get one from somewhere.
yes esp2009,

I am aware of that - just been slow trying to locate one!

yes esp2009,

I am aware of that - just been slow trying to locate one!

Also try Fleabay for 'Round Tuits'!
Or, if you pick up a new Marantz CDP some time, you'll probably find that the player's remote will also control the amp's volume control (same remote frequency). The same happened to my decade old PM6010-KI whose remote was lost following a house move, but worked off the current CDP's remote when I bought that player.


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