I own the marantz pm66se ki sig and would like to know how it would compare to the newer pm 6003.I ask this as the pm 66se KI is a bit too large and does not have a remote.
Both excellent amps but the PM66SE KI-Signature is the better one IMO. Changing to the newer amp would be a bit of a backward step. I think you should be looking to a PM8003 as a more worthy successor to the KI-Signature.
No problem. I don't think your amp is outdated at all. Like my Pioneer, your KI-Signature is a classic piece of kit and one of the most complete sounding and musical budget amps ever made.
Or, if you pick up a new Marantz CDP some time, you'll probably find that the player's remote will also control the amp's volume control (same remote frequency). The same happened to my decade old PM6010-KI whose remote was lost following a house move, but worked off the current CDP's remote when I bought that player.