Marantz PM6003 & CD6003 Speaker Match


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I've just bought a Marantz PM6003 Amp and CD6003 CD player and I'm looking for a set of bookshelf speakers to match with the system

The speakers I'm looking at are the EB1 Acoustics, the B&W 685's and the Dali Lektor 2's.

Has anyone used these speakers with the Marantz equipment or can suggest which may be the better match?

Did you buy the CD & Amp from somewhere that was throwing in a pair of Wharfedale Diamond 10.1's for free? Apparently these are a very good match but you really have to let your own ears decide. I don't know if the EB1's would be a good match, maybe someone else has first hand experience, but if you're prepared to wait a while (see their own website and other posts relating to EB1's) then with their 30 day money back guarantee you've nothing to lose.
The 685's will sound great on your system, but it's the only one I've heard out of the three you mentioned so I can't say much for the others.

I really doubt anything can touch it for price vs performance. Together with the Marantz, it will give you a very involving sound along with well controlled and defined bass. You'll need to experiment with the volume knob to find the 'sweetspot' before these begin to really shine though. I couldn't put my finger and say it was lacking in anything, it's really no wonder that these set the benchmark for anything within its price range.

They've lived upto the hype for me, that's all I can say.

I'm currently thinking of buying this particular Amp / CD combination as my first separates system (so I'm no expert) but, if it helps, another speaker system to consider would be the Mordaunt Short Mezzo 2 - I heard the Marantz's demo'd through these and was very impressed albeit I've nothing to compare them with.

Hi mark,

I very recently bought the marantz combo along with the 685s. This was my first proper hifi system, so i do have a lack of experience of other systems to compare it to.

what i can say is that ive realised how important speaker placement is, first of all i had mine to close to the wall, about 30cm, as a result the bass took over. They are now about 55cm from the wall and with the addition of chord crimson interconnects they now shine. sound stage is impressive, and as others have said, once you find the sweetspot volume wise for your room, they sound sublime.

i havent been able to turn it up past 50% volume yet as it was simply too loud even when standing downstairs, they kick out some serious power!
Agree with jammers999, its a very sweet combo the 685s and marantz.However i've even tried switching my 686s and even they sound perfect although much smaller (and cheaper) than 685.


I've just bought a Marantz PM6003 Amp and CD6003 CD player and I'm looking for a set of bookshelf speakers to match with the system

The speakers I'm looking at are the EB1 Acoustics, the B&W 685's and the Dali Lektor 2's.

Has anyone used these speakers with the Marantz equipment or can suggest which may be the better match?


Depends on your budget, noticed you've sited EB Acoustics, if you can stretch a bit more then Epos M12 would be a good match for your Marantz combo. Wonderful speakers, the Marantz should be capable of powering the Epos's without trouble.
Dalesman:Agree with jammers999, its a very sweet combo the 685s and marantz.However i've even tried switching my 686s and even they sound perfect although much smaller (and cheaper) than 685.

Hello all, my first post around here. It is great to hear that - I have a pair of 685s waiting for a system.. Originally I was planning Marantz PM/CD6003 combo, but I wasn't sure if 2x45W will have enough authority to drive 685s, so I started looking at Cambridge Audio Azur 650A/C combo. Hence my question - have you ever felt the Marantz combo didn't have enough power for 685s?
Dalesman:Agree with jammers999, its a very sweet combo the 685s and marantz.However i've even tried switching my 686s and even they sound perfect although much smaller (and cheaper) than 685.

Originally I was planning Marantz PM/CD6003 combo, but I wasn't sure if 2x45W will have enough authority to drive 685s, so I started looking at Cambridge Audio Azur 650A/C combo. Hence my question - have you ever felt the Marantz combo didn't have enough power for 685s?

Welcome to the forum.

Depends what size your listening room is and how loud is loud enough for you.Personally I've never gone above 1/3rd.I don't think you can just go by wattage alone,you need to listen and then decide.


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