Marantz pm5005 with what modern speakers?


Active member
Dec 18, 2024
Hi !
So I have a "vintage" Marantz pm5005 and I'm wondering what contemporary speakers would work well with this?
I know by many it's considered a budget amplifier but in the past , some have some that praises if it's paired with a good set of speakers. I am looking for clarity and depth. Mainly I listen to jazz. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thanks, Keith
Hi !
So I have a "vintage" Marantz pm5005 and I'm wondering what contemporary speakers would work well with this?
I know by many it's considered a budget amplifier but in the past , some have some that praises if it's paired with a good set of speakers. I am looking for clarity and depth. Mainly I listen to jazz. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thanks, Keith
How much are you looking to spend, and how will you position them?
How much are you looking to spend, and how will you position them?
Hi Andy !
Well anywhere between 300-500. I assume theres a point of diminishing returns due to the quality of the amp.
In terms of speaker placement : will be torso level 3 -4 feet (left/right) from amp. Sorry if thats not the correct speaker positioning terminology but you get the idea. 🙂
Hi Andy !
Well anywhere between 300-500. I assume theres a point of diminishing returns due to the quality of the amp.
In terms of speaker placement : will be torso level 3 -4 feet (left/right) from amp. Sorry if thats not the correct speaker positioning terminology but you get the idea.

I ask about position because most speakers need some space around them to sound their best. If you are going to place them against a wall go with any half decent pair as you will only experience a fraction of their performance potential. Either that or a very forgiving speaker designed for restrictedspace. There aren't many of those around without a comma in the price!

Not sure where you are so don't know what is available to you, or what currency you are talking about. However for around £400 I would recommend the Triangle Borea BR03. They need about 40cm to the wall behind, and sound great with current Marantz amps, no reason to suggest they won't work well with yours.
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Hi Andy!
Thanks for the recommendation and I appreciate you taking the time out to advise.
They sell these on amazon so will definitely check these out.👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
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First of all - thank you all very much for your helpful inputs!

Since I have the same amplifier I would kindly like to know which bookshelf speakers would you recommend in the 2000€/pair range?

I would keep them on a shelf roughly 35 centimetres from the wall behind.

Thanks a lot and happy new year
Thank you so much for your answer - it is obvious I have no clue what I am doing and wanted to set the price "on the fly".

Thanks for the tips! Will check the speakers immediately!

Have a great day
First of all - thank you all very much for your helpful inputs!

Since I have the same amplifier I would kindly like to know which bookshelf speakers would you recommend in the 2000€/pair range?

I would keep them on a shelf roughly 35 centimetres from the wall behind.

Thanks a lot and happy new year
As others have mentioned, you aren't going to get the most out of €2,000 speakers with your amp.

However, it is a great amp within it's price and the is no reason it won't sound excellent with the right speakers. There are plenty of options under £600 (prices seem to vary across Europe).

My recommendation is the same as I gave the OP, Triangle Borea BR03. I have heard them with with a Marantz PM6007 and they sound great.


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