New developments in my research about AS 500 at home with my system: after two or three hours, I begin to think that something is no good for me;the detail is excellent, the spatiality and roomy compared to my old Quad 306 + 34 is much greater and involving, my CDs seem to be rediscovered, etc., but there are always too highs freq for my poor ears; There are low, too, but for me the rest of the range tends to take the upper hand; at night or when there is someone in the room with me, I find myself to lower the volume and put the loudness about halfway down, where it begins to act very decisively (Yam, command fantastic very useful patent, which I would recommend to introduce in all the under 1000 € amps, above I don't know ...) essential to hear the tv movies in the evening; the various commands, against to my first impressions, in practice they are really unhappy, ponderous, and induce to error, nothing to do with the crafty-ergonomic-essential-original pre Quad 34; the small lights of a sad amber yellow, almost invisible in the evening; the remote control works even at 180 degrees, but boring to use; I also the sub connected to the output, but at low volumes of amp, even with its own volume to max, is not very audible (down to 80 Hz cut ): 2 days after I turned it off, using only loudness for movie (little less than half), with excellent results, but with the highs average always lurking;---------------------------------------------------------------------------So after a week I brought everything and I tried Nad 316, 326 and Marantz pm6003/4 with B & W 684 and the 560 Thesis.Liquid sounds, preferring full-bodied, rubberised on medium high for rock, Jazz, sinfo,I'm moving to the Marantz pair + B & W, allowing the loudness as well, with, plays and movies in the evening with the entire tonal range minimum; also vol What with the Nad is not possible or listen to: 1 degree or lose the lower part of the freq.Nad great to decent volume, for me;The 6004 is also very ergonomic answer to Yam and a luxurious look (I'd say glamour)answer to all of them and who cares if it did not release pre, and various subwoofer! even in the dark after 2 min was already the various commands maybe x recordings on the fly by TV or Radio, as with the Quad.******************After a day I was + really want it on, but I had to do to realize everything and not even felt the desire to throw him a look, what with Quad was also off at various hours of the day: this I did take the fatal decision: carryover all Yam and sub, ordino B & W 684 and Meransen 6004 or 3 and excuse the outburst