Marantz MCR 610 and Spotify.

Callum J

New member
Nov 18, 2013
Hi, i wonder can anyone help me with a couple of queries?

I bought the MCR 610 earlier this year, and a verstaile and enjoyable unit it is indeed; and well recommended to anyone looking for such a system.

My question centres around Spotify, which is built into the MCR 610. Accessing it through the remote control is a bit of a pain, when you have to punch in a long band name, artist's name, or a particular track or album. The phone app, i'm not keen on either.

I would much rather control my Spotify listening through my PC which has a nice, large, bright screen. I was hanging on for Spotify to roll out their Connect feature to desktop PCs, but, as far as i know, this still hasn't happened, and they don't seem to know when it will happen. I would like to find a way of getting my PC to talk to my Marantz?

I asked a similar question earlier on this year, and i had a couple of answers off Forum members. One solution was to use an HP Wireless audio dongle transmitter, and another suggestion was a USB - to- SPDIF converter which i gather went from the PC's USB port via the converter to the Marantz digital in?

Has anyone else here tried out these arrangements? they work well? Does anyone have a link to a good USB - to- SPDIF converter? and can anyone show me exactly what kind of SPDIF cable i need to slot into the digital in on the back of the Marantz? I see lots of cables advertised, but i'm confused as to which exact one i need.

If any Forum members can help, i would appreciate it very much.
Callum J said:
Hi, i wonder can anyone help me with a couple of queries?

I bought the MCR 610 earlier this year, and a verstaile and enjoyable unit it is indeed; and well recommended to anyone looking for such a system.

My question centres around Spotify, which is built into the MCR 610. Accessing it through the remote control is a bit of a pain, when you have to punch in a long band name, artist's name, or a particular track or album. The phone app, i'm not keen on either.

I would much rather control my Spotify listening through my PC which has a nice, large, bright screen. I was hanging on for Spotify to roll out their Connect feature to desktop PCs, but, as far as i know, this still hasn't happened, and they don't seem to know when it will happen. I would like to find a way of getting my PC to talk to my Marantz?

I asked a similar question earlier on this year, and i had a couple of answers off Forum members. One solution was to use an HP Wireless audio dongle transmitter, and another suggestion was a USB - to- SPDIF converter which i gather went from the PC's USB port via the converter to the Marantz digital in?

Has anyone else here tried out these arrangements? they work well? Does anyone have a link to a good USB - to- SPDIF converter? and can anyone show me exactly what kind of SPDIF cable i need to slot into the digital in on the back of the Marantz? I see lots of cables advertised, but i'm confused as to which exact one i need.

If any Forum members can help, i would appreciate it very much.


First of all Spotify Connect is a feature of the hi-fi, and the M CR610 does not have it, nor is it likely to in the future by way of a software or firmware update.

The lack of a desktop app for Connect is a pain but it is irrelevant in this case. The simplest way to use Spotify on the 610 is via Airplay on a suitable device. Whether your PC can implement Airplay or not is not within my area of expertese.

If this is not possible then the usb to SPDIF converter is viable, as is a better soundcard with SPDIF optical outs. Both will work and the Behringer UCA202 will work well for about £25. It even gives you a choice of SPDIF or analogue outputs.
Hello, what I find helpful is to get the spotify app onto your android phone, use this to look up albums that you want to listen to and add them to your playlists.

Then go into the Marantz app and the albums will be in the section marked playlists. Hope this helps.
Am i correct in thinking Airplay only works through Apple products? if so, will be no use to me as i have no Apple stuff.

Does anyone know of an alternative to Airplay which may work for the MCR 610? also i emailed Spotify today, and they say they will be activating the Connect feature for PCs soon, so see how that goes, if and when it happens.

I also wonder is it a toslink cable which is required for the Optical / Digital In socket on the Marantz? and am i on the right track in thinking that a USB -to- SPDIF converter enables you to play through the MCR 610 any music on your PC, includingSpotify?

Cheers Callum.
Callum J said:
Hi, i wonder can anyone help me with a couple of queries?

I bought the MCR 610 earlier this year, and a verstaile and enjoyable unit it is indeed; and well recommended to anyone looking for such a system.

My question centres around Spotify, which is built into the MCR 610. Accessing it through the remote control is a bit of a pain, when you have to punch in a long band name, artist's name, or a particular track or album. The phone app, i'm not keen on either.

I would much rather control my Spotify listening through my PC which has a nice, large, bright screen. I was hanging on for Spotify to roll out their Connect feature to desktop PCs, but, as far as i know, this still hasn't happened, and they don't seem to know when it will happen. I would like to find a way of getting my PC to talk to my Marantz?

I asked a similar question earlier on this year, and i had a couple of answers off Forum members. One solution was to use an HP Wireless audio dongle transmitter, and another suggestion was a USB - to- SPDIF converter which i gather went from the PC's USB port via the converter to the Marantz digital in?

Has anyone else here tried out these arrangements? they work well? Does anyone have a link to a good USB - to- SPDIF converter? and can anyone show me exactly what kind of SPDIF cable i need to slot into the digital in on the back of the Marantz? I see lots of cables advertised, but i'm confused as to which exact one i need.

If any Forum members can help, i would appreciate it very much.

I use a HP Wireless Audio Transmitter with my Marantz MCR510 and it works very very well, sounds great and is only £20 on Amazon at the mo (it was £100+ originally). Airplay only works with Apple kit, i use it with my ipad and it doesnt sound as good as the HP. There is also an app called Airfoil which will transmit from a non Apple PC/Laptop via Airplay which is around £25 to buy, i have had a free trial version and it was ok, again not as good as the HP soundwise. Hope this helps
Callum J said:
Am i correct in thinking Airplay only works through Apple products? if so, will be no use to me as i have no Apple stuff.

Does anyone know of an alternative to Airplay which may work for the MCR 610? also i emailed Spotify today, and they say they will be activating the Connect feature for PCs soon, so see how that goes, if and when it happens.

I also wonder is it a toslink cable which is required for the Optical / Digital In socket on the Marantz? and am i on the right track in thinking that a USB -to- SPDIF converter enables you to play through the MCR 610 any music on your PC, includingSpotify?

Cheers Callum.

There are third party applications that mimic Airplay in Windows but I am not PC literate so have no idea if the work well or not.

As I said, Spotify Connect is a feature of your hi-fi, not your computer, the 610 does not have it. It has regular Spotify, which is different, and means you have to use the Marantz remote or App to use it.

The PC "Spotify Connect" is a desktop controller for Connect in your hi-fi, which you do not have.

The digital input on the M CR610 is indeed toslink, the Behringer usb dac that I mention above has such an output so will work fine using a regular toslink cable. For just £25 new it is a simple solution.

And yes, once set up the usb dac behaves like a regular soundcard, any sound on your computer will be sent to the hi-fi. The Behringer dac is a low latency device but may introduce a delay in the audio signal sufficient to upset lip sync on video, but it may be small enough not to matter.