Marantz cd 6004 better than the Marantz SA 8003?


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Oct 21, 2008
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Sounds the new Marantz cd 6004 better than the Marantz SACD 8003? Sounds the Marantz 8003 a little boring (
Rock and pop)? System is Marantz pm 8003 amp and MA RX 6 speakers.

I'm looking at ther Olive03HD too, but read very bad reviews. A bad product with many problems.


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Nov 19, 2008
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I bought a 6004 a couple of weeks ago & have to say I'm very, very impressed. I auditioned a good few other machines including a Marantz SA7001 and, to my ears, the 6004 was a very superior machine. It's not lacking excitement when the material calls for it, yet handles gentler stuff with sensitivity too. A great bit of kit & I'd be happy to recommend it to anyone.

The only thing that's not to my liking is its appearance. I much preferred the aesthetics of the Cambridge Audio Azur 650C, but the sound of the Marantz more than makes up for it's looks, so I decided to accept that looks aren't everything (a philosophy I should have applied to my taste in women a long time ago...... :shifty:)


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