With regards to hearing and seeing. Its a biological FACT that some people can see better than others and some people can hear better than others. Not to mention some people cant see or hear at all.
Im not 'suggesting' anything other than that 'fact'
Its also well known that some people have better perception than others (ie, they 'notice' things others dont)
Yes, people have different capabilities in their senses. My issue with this line of reasoning is it's being used to infer that, subsequently, they will hear things emitting from their stereo when they use - in this case - a mains conditioner. It's a reliance on not fully understanding what the ear can hear, but it's flawed logic in this context as I understand it.
What are we talking about hearing in this case - greater "space" around the instruments? More decay when a violin string is plucked? The light inhalation of breath just before a singer commences a piece? And the like...
Miniscule stuff. And where you already have a pretty revealing system (see my signature for mine - it is) what am I missing out on here? Well, I already get the decay on strings when they're plucked, or the reverberation of a tom-tom when a drummer hits it, I've got "space" and "atmosphere" aplenty, because the recordings I have are mastered to emphasise the recording session and not add unnecessary EQ, limiting or compression. My ears, in this context, work well and I am happy - and confident - that when I say there is no difference, there really is no audible difference.
And incidentally, this isn't based on one song and then swap over, it's based on running this stuff for a couple of weeks, then removing it. I make a point of it, because ultimately, it's not a case of being a naysayer, or disbeliever, far from it. It's about being as objective as it is possible to be and giving the accessory the best chance to live up to the claims made about it. In the end, in my experience, the ones I've tried don't ultimately live up to those claims.
Which isn't, of course, the same as saying that this is true across the board - it might well be that a £500 or £5000 cable will do something spectacular. It's just that I won't be spending that money to find out. What I can say with some degree of confidence is that I've given a fair crack of the whip to a LOT of products that have various claims and review ratings around them and their less expensive brethren deliver just as well. And for mains conditioners, well, use a bog standard extension lead and have confidence in the onboard filtration capabilities that the equipment already has. It is more than enough.