Low or High Frequency Post?


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I am sure this will be a silly question to ask! But as I don't know and am fairly new to the wonderful world of Hi-Fidelity then I guess the best thing to do is just ask and deal with the consequences of looking foolish later!!

Regarding my newly purchased Spendor S5e's. As you know they are bi-wireable and have a plate connecting the two sets of posts (marked low and high frequency). As I am only running a single set of speaker cable (Chord Odyssey 2) should I connect it to the low or the high frequency post or one to each? Also I see various companies sell "jumper" leads for connecting the two sets of posts together (rather than using the metal plate that comes with them). Will there be benefits of linking the posts this way? Has anyone any experience of using them?

Thanks for your time and advice



P.S. Sorry one other question, is it best to connect to the speakers with bare wire or are banana/spades better?
ive tried all combinations and havent heard a difference

same with the bits of metal vs speaker cable
You'll get lots of differing views on this!

I doubt you'll hear much difference running your cable into either combination as one off said. Personally speaking I have found it beneficial to replace the supplied terminal bridges with a very short piece of (the same type of) speaker cable. My view is that the purity of the copper in the cable is likely to be better than the plating on the bridge itself.

On terminations, in theory, bare wire will give the 'best' contact but if left bare, it will oxidise over time (and not as long as you might think) so you will need to think about using proprietry contact cleaners (which slow the process) and stripping back fresh wire every six months or so. From a convenience over 'performance', I'd go for bananas.
one off:
ive tried all combinations and havent heard a difference

same with the bits of metal vs speaker cable

Thanks One Off....I guess I'll have to try it out and see if I hear a difference
You'll get lots of differing views on this!

I doubt you'll hear much difference running your cable into either combination as one off said. Personally speaking I have found it beneficial to replace the supplied terminal bridges with a very short piece of (the same type of) speaker cable. My view is that the purity of the copper in the cable is likely to be better than the plating on the bridge itself.

On terminations, in theory, bare wire will give the 'best' contact but if left bare, it will oxidise over time (and not as long as you might think) so you will need to think about using proprietry contact cleaners (which slow the process) and stripping back fresh wire every six months or so. From a convenience over 'performance', I'd go for bananas.

Cheers Bodfish

Interestingly I've found that Chord say that the general consensus is to use the high frequency (they call it treble) posts, however they also go on to say that putting the positive to the high and the negative to the low creates a more "coherent" sound. I guess I'll just have to try all and see if I can hear any noticeable differences.

Also on the Chord website I see they sell jumpers but they are made of a different cable and not the Odyssey. I don't really have the spare cable to play with (unless of course I purchase another 1/2 metre from somewhere)!

Anyway, thanks for your POV....
It probably shouldn't make too much of a difference - if any. And in fairness, these threads citing differences in cable from one brand to the next, or one where a certain methodology is favoured over another) tend to be some of the quietest on the web...

...okay, to borrow from a recent film title; "there may be blood".

Seriously, I'd stick with the Spendor provided plate, and play around between the two- I doubt there's going to be a gulf-like difference. Better spending the time and effort into working out the best positioning in your room for the Spennies.
the record spot:And in fairness, these threads citing differences in cable from one brand to the next, or one where a certain methodology is favoured over another) tend to be some of the quietest on the web...

...okay, to borrow from a recent film title; "there may be blood".

LOL....hhhmmm...me thinks a little hint of sarcasm there!!

Thanks for your input though....appreciated.

Like you say I think I should just have to try each option out and see how I get on. As far as positioning...afraid I'm stuck with the confines of the room...but saying that I am happy with where they are and just love it sitting in the "sweet spot"....absolutely and blissfully amazing. Cheers
Just an update

Heard directly from Spendor today and they say:

"We would generally advise you use the upper pair of posts, but in reality
the differences are barely perceptible.

Any connection is fine, but if using bare wire, the tightness of the binding
post will loosen off with time and use, so checking tightness every few
months is advisable. Bananas or spades do not have this problem, but do
benefit from 'breaking and making' the connection periodically." So there we have it, straight from the horses mouth so to say.


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