Loud CD System


New member
Nov 13, 2010
I am planning to buld my own house at some point in the future and which will have an exercise area mainly for personal and friends use. Maximum size will be 10 metres x10 metres although thats probably wishful thinking. Can anyone recommend a CD system which will fill this area with reasonable quality sound but not necessarily HiFi. Budget around £300

Second point, I have a pair of Spendor BC1's in my home system which I am happy with. How do they compare to modern speakers.Thanks
Exasperated - welcome to the forum.

By CD system, do you mean a cd player, an amplifier, two speakers and all the relevant cabling to make it work?

If so £300 isnt a lot of cash for brand new kit.

You would need to go second hand. Lots of stuff on ebay, but there are other people on this forum more clued in to whats good and whats not and what price it goes for.

Good luck in your quest.


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