Looking to buy an HD TV, 32-37inch screen, budget of £400 - £500 any advice on which model best suits?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi every one thanks for taking the time to read my post.

I am looking to buy an HD TV finally and have a budget of £400 to £500 to do so. I have been trying to research this all over the internet but there are pros and cons to each model so Im just after some advice on what model is the best available in my price range?

Your advice would be much appreciated 🙂

Kind regards

Depends if you want lcd or plasma and if you want 1080p or hd ready? If you are not too fussed about the 1080p and still want a quality pic for the cash then you could go with the Panasonic plasmas in the 37ich range. Something like the 'PANASONIC TXP37C10' which if you search around you can get with 5 year warranty for £500-550. If you want a good 1080p tv then you may want to save a bit more and budget for around 600-700, and get a Sony.
Im open to either an LCD or a plasma. IDeally full HD but if its 32 inch Iv heard that there isnt much difference between full and HD Ready?

Ps just had a look at the tv you recommended and it looks very nice, exactly the sort of thing I am after. Need to get a few recommended ones so that I can sell them to the wife! 🙂
steer clear of the c10 if i was you even though it is near as damnit a p37x10 in all but name it does have one major change and that is lack of an anti glare screen.i have seen it and it is like trying to watch tv in a mirror,ok if its very very dark but any light on it and the reflections are terrible

nothing wrong with the p37x10 mind,very good sd pics and hd/bluray or ps3 look fantastic.

you dont say what you will be watching/doing with it though and this could make a huge difference.

1080p unless you sit within 5 feet of a 37 inch screen or plan to use it as a pc monitor,is not necessary imho.
Yeah sorry that probably would have helped wouldnt it!

At the moment (for the next three months) itl just be for HD tv (virgin). After that I intend to buy a ps3 to get a full hd/bluray experience!
nothing wrong with the PANASONIC TXP37C10 . the reflection is only off putting if you focus on it . and in the dark its great . can recommend it enough
If you scroll down the page it says in red that they got a good price from the supplier & passed that saving on to the customer.
Come to mention i have heard that the 'panny c10' has reflection probs, but then others have said it is stil not as bad as the old 'Crt' sytle tv's so i would say go and see one in action somewhere at your local currys/comet etc and if you are ok with it (as shop floor conditions should be good to show up reflection probs) then get it. I have a older panny a 42px70 and i have had it a couple of years now and love it! looks great with a wide range of stuff.
Hi Gavin

Highly recommend the Sony KDL-32V5500 which won our June Supertest. Officially £600, but have seen it on Amazon for £549. Slightly above your budget, I know, but well worth it if you can stretch the budget a bit.


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