Looking for some advice for a new set up based around spotify on an ipad..

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I see so the AE is used only for wireless connectivity its dac is then passed over in favour of an additional dac (the beresford) and then amped active speakers
You could go direct from the AE assuming you can get a cable that'll go from whatever output connector the AE has these days into the Yamaha speakers. The AE DAC is extremely good for the money it costs.
The AE 3.5mm output that accepts minitoslink or analogue minijack
Overdose said:
And about the Spotify comment from Omnibeard, the OP has already stated that spotify will be played from the iPad.

Then forgive me, I was wrong!

However, it does seem a bit mental to tie up the ipad for wireless streaming functionality when there might be a more efficient way of getting spotify out of a pair of speakers just using the ipad as a control. Just my opinion of course.

jjbomber said:
Spotify is an app on the ipad. He wants a system to get sound from the ipad to the amp. This can easily be done wirelessly via airplay. The Marantz PM6004 is product of the year, costs £310 before discount, and does airplay. There isn't a great need to look much further for a first port of call. All he has to do is add speakers, either bookshelf or floorstanders.

I pass Spotify from a laptop, through a Onkyo NS-S1 digitally to a Supernait. We are all different. The bottom line is that it is up to the poster what he wants and not what the repliers would do.

Pretty sure all of us are just trying to help the OP get what he wants in the most cost effective way whilst maximising quality. I believe that he should look beyond the Marantz. I'm not saying the Marantz is not a good amp, just that maybe the Onkyo does everything he wants and should be considered. Similarly, something like a Squeezebox should not be discounted. You could probably find a PM6003 plus a Squeezebox for the same price as the PM6004.

Again, it's just my opinion, but I wouldn't be tying up an ipad to wirelessly stream spotify, and I don't have great experiences of trying to use Airport Expresses wirelessly either (of course in other peoples' set ups they might work perfectly well). I could be wrong but going that way sounds like you have to stream to the ipad and then from the ipad?
Great points.

Does the Squuezebox need to be used via a pc or mac or is it stanalone and operated via cloud independently?

I dont see the point of the squeezebox if you also need a pc/mac to be switched on.

Is the reason for a squeezebox to reduce load on an ipad? Could the ipad in essence do the same thing via streamiong from spotify or is it better to ignore the ipad as a bad idea?

Too many options.
+1 for what JD recommended, although I would spend even more on speakers if possible.

I stream internet radio from my iPhone via AirPlay (including 320k streams from Linn Radio and the BBC) using the TuneIn Radio Pro app which not only sounds better than the M-CR603's own built in internet radio but is also a dream to use.

I use my iPhone (+AirPlay) to control streaming - wirelessly - from two different iTunes on two different computers in two different rooms (one with music in Apple Lossless and another with drama/documentary/comedy/speech etc. in 256k VBR AAC.) I also stream from the iPhone's own iTunes too.

The M-CR603 has a superb FM tuner built in and the integrated CD player sounds excellent.

I 'downsized' from two years of an entry level all-Naim (Nait 5i/CD5i/NAT05) + Beresford DAC system to the M-CR603, and it has not given me a day's regret in the 16 months since.
fuel4lifeuk said:
Thanks so much for the advice. I've taken on board the comments. Based on the majority of the advice, here are some packages I found within my budget (with the marantz MCR603 which I am sold on). What do you think of the following?

marantz MCR603 and dalii zanzor1 £570

marantz MCR603 and monitor audio BX2 £600

and slightly over budget:

marantz MCR603 and Monitor Audio Bronze BX2 £750,

marantz MCR603 and Tanoy v4 £780

marantz MCR603 and mission mx3 £780.

This is my forst foray into the world of a decent music player and I am greatful for your help and comments. Thanks

ps as for using the ipad... its a present, as will be the system and I need a little wow factor....

So which of the above speakers to match the mcr603 is best?
I have an Ipad and an apple tv and a squeezebox touch. I use both with spotify. When I am using my laptop I stream to the squeezebox touch. When it (the laptop) is not in my reach I use the Ipad Spotify app with apple tv because it is SO MUCH nicer than the ugly logitech controller... I think with your limited budget you should not buy the squeezebox touch now. You can always have spotify running in the background of your ipad and doing other stuff with it if you like.

As for the speakers. They are all not the most neutral speakers. They all have their own character. So I think it would be best to audition - if possible with the marantz, of course..
As you don't need an AE and cable, you can probably spend a bit more on the speakers without going over budget, as there is now an extra £100 to play with. I would go with the Mission mx3. It may be a case now of shopping around to see what offers you can get.
Thanks guys esp Bomber.

Off to richer sounds tomorrow to spend some cash. Thanks
pgoody said:
I have an Ipad and an apple tv and a squeezebox touch. I use both with spotify. When I am using my laptop I stream to the squeezebox touch. When it (the laptop) is not in my reach I use the Ipad Spotify app with apple tv because it is SO MUCH nicer than the ugly logitech controller... I think with your limited budget you should not buy the squeezebox touch now. You can always have spotify running in the background of your ipad and doing other stuff with it if you like.

As for the speakers. They are all not the most neutral speakers. They all have their own character. So I think it would be best to audition - if possible with the marantz, of course..
With your lap top off you can still use spotify on your touch. And get iPeng for your iPad.
Just back from my first ever demo sesion at richer sounds (thanks to David for all his help, top man).

Armed with an ipad 3 streaming music at circa 320kbps via an airport express I tried out an a-s500, a pm6004, a set of mx3's and a set of bx5's.

Not sure on conventional wisdom but I have to say (this being my first foray into the market) the pm6004 coupled with the set of bx5's was purely stuning.

I shall be buying both on thursday all things being equal.

What do you think? Is this a good combo? Anyone else have this set up? Is the pm6004 powerfull enough or would the a-s500 or other be better?
At the risk of being not very useful - if it sounded stunning then go with it!

You may get loads of suggestions about other possibilities, your ears are the most important thing. The list of possible combinations can be very daunting.

My advice, and I'm a bit of a tight wad, is to spend as little as possible whilst still getting what you think is the wow factor.

And remember, it's obsessive if you let it be - be happy with what you have or can get right now.

Listen to lots of your favourite music, and love it!
omnibeard said:
At the risk of being not very useful - if it sounded stunning then go with it!

You may get loads of suggestions about other possibilities, your ears are the most important thing. The list of possible combinations can be very daunting.

My advice, and I'm a bit of a tight wad, is to spend as little as possible whilst still getting what you think is the wow factor.

And remember, it's obsessive if you let it be - be happy with what you have or can get right now.

Listen to lots of your favourite music, and love it!

Words that are wise , yes from Master Omnibeard
I have the ipad 3 streaming with spotify premium to an airport express which is connected via analogue cable to some old 2.1 speakers. All works well.

I am sold on bx5's so just deciding now on marantz 6004 or 603 to go with them. I did test the 6004 with the bx5's but not the 603. I am concerned the 603 would be better as it has more power.

6004 or 603. Back to richer sounds again i guess......
fuel4life said:
I have the ipad 3 streaming with spotify premium to an airport express which is connected via analogue cable to some old 2.1 speakers. All works well.

I am sold on bx5's so just deciding now on marantz 6004 or 603 to go with them. I did test the 6004 with the bx5's but not the 603. I am concerned the 603 would be better as it has more power.

6004 or 603. Back to richer sounds again i guess......

And listen to a Arcam while you're there... 😉
I am now running an ipad 3 now streaming spotify to AE that is connected to some old 2.1 speakers via analogue.

Now looking to upgrade speakers and buy an amplifier c£1000 (again if anyone is interested monitor audio bx5s and either marantz pm6004 or cr603).

My dilema now is:


the pm6004 is better quality specs but has analogue inputs so the AE acts as a dac which means the quality of sound for the £1k system is dependent on the quality of the dac in the AE and the quality of the audio software/hardware. Does anyone have info on this?


The cr603 is slightly worse quality sound but has airplay. Therefore no AE needed and it will use its purpose built internal dac
It is a royal pain in the preverbial to set up 😡

I am quite ofay with tech but if im honest i spent a weekend pi**ing arout with a setup (all good now though).

I have realised the world of audio can be difficult. No matter what you get (are asking for advice on :wave: ) you can always have slightly better gear for just a few extra of your hard earned :help:
I was quite impressed by Bose Bluetooth speakers. Not prone to interference as the wifi ones. Worth checking out:



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