Looking for advice on a new system with Yamaha amps


New member
May 3, 2013
Hey Guys!

I'm new to the whole Hi-Fi separates deal, and finally considering a new system (up until now I've been using simple stereo systems).

As I'm on a pretty tight budget, I've been thinking of something along the line of these:

Amp: I love Yamaha amps, so I was thinking of the AS300 or the RS500 (their about the same price, and the RS500 could even be a bit cheaper). Could any of you recommend which is better?

Speakers: This is where I got completely confused. I originally thought of the Wharfedale Diamond 10.1, but the guy at the stereo shop couldn't recommend them (said that they didn't fit well with the amp). Other than the Wharfedales, I thought of Dali Zensor 1, Monitor Audio BX2 and Quad L-ite. I even thought of putting a little extra money for the B&W 685. What do you guys think? Could any of these fit well with the Yamaha amps? and if so, which is the best choice?

As for the other parts I'm pretty sure I'm fine, with Pro-Ject Essential turntable and the Yamaha CDS300 as the CD player.

Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
I ahve not heard the Yahama amps. What did you hear them in your demo?

If I were you I would be looking to spend a bit more on speakers, they generally make more difference to the sound than amps. Yes 685 are worth a look, also the new Acoustic Energy 301s, which are in RicherS.
Actually my experience with Yamaha systems is mainly focused on mini-systems (I think it was the E840) and AV Receivers, and I loved their overall sound and looks. Another thing is that they are very affordable, allowing me to spend more on the speaker side.

So you think I should invest more on speakers? are 685s worth the extra money?

I don't think I've seen any stereo shops in my area offering the Acoustic Energy line (I'm in Israel), which is strange because they seem to have most of the other big-name companies. The guy at the shop suggested the Jamo C-403, but I couldn't find any opinions online. other than that, I'll be glad to hear other speaker suggestions 🙂
I would not go on mini systems or AV, you need to hear the amps with the speakers on proper stands. Also try the Marantz 6004. No probably no AE in Israel.

Try lots of speakers that is often the hardest part.


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