No doubt I'm put in the position of hybridizing, but I gave into that 4 years ago when I converted my 6000 CDs to FLAC to allow me to play higher quality music but with the ease of an iPad app.
We've had a hybrid system for quite a few years now, starting with an Apple Airport Express many years ago to be able to stream from the iTunes library (all our CDs are ripped to ALAC, stored on a Mac mini in another room) while at the same time having a record player. We later added a DAC for digital components like the TV.
To be able to limit the nummer of boxes and have full control with the Harmony universal remote app we decided to buy a Yamaha R-N602, because it also does AirPlay. Hybrid with maximum flexibility is the way forward.
You're actually not the first one to look into lossless streaming of vinyl. There have been some interesting ideas in the past like connecting a record player to a Mac and monitoring the audio in Garageband and then stream it via AirPlay with an app called AirFoil.
Another person tried a similar thing on iOS:
The main advantage of a setup like this that you can basically use any record player and a device with USB.
Pro-Ject have at least one turntable with a USB converter built-in: It converts at 16/48, so similar to CD quality and uncompressed.