I recently used this forum to guide my un witting and indecisive mind in the direction of purchasing the onk 605 and Kef 2005.2's only to have replacments anounced a few weeks later. I did get substancial discount so it did reduce the disapointment. My next move forward is in the area of Blue Ray. I have a PS3 (which i purchased while getting married in the states in Nov 04) so use this currently for blue ray disks but cant watch uk DVD's as incompatible. Not an avid gamer so willing to loose the station but would i currently get a better picture / sound quality from the Pana BD30?? to my Plasma (panasonic th37 px 60)? Should i wait for Hard disk recording version to come given my previous experience with my audio as this would remove the need for my Pana dvd recorder.