listening options with hifi equipment


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Is there a way to listen to just vocals in a given soundtrack of a song? I wonder if some technology is available for an average consumer and what is it called? I know it is a basic question. But I should be grateful to learn about hifi gadgets. Is there a glossary available that can be accessed easily? such as what is preamp, etc. Thanks in advance
look at the back of the WHF mag and it has the jargon buster which will tell you what pre amp is plus load of other usefull information.

I wonder if my question is in the wrong forum or stupid, as noone has replied. Merry festivities and a happy new year to all.
manojchandra:Is there a way to listen to just vocals in a given soundtrack of a song?

There was recently a post on this forum of the AVI 9.1 speakers .... as far as I understand, the guy said that if you turn the volume down, it removes the music and only vocals are heard ... am not sure if I understood that correctly?
basically you cant separate fully though there is software which will reduce the background
You need what is termed a mixing desk. The simple way to do this at home is to buy a suitable piece of software and feed the music into your PC.

Try googling Sonic Forge to find out about mixing software. There is a lot about Look for a free download or trial of this type of software to try this out.

Once you have the software take a line level output off of your pre-amp into your PC (usually via the MIC socket). Then record your track using a lossless format on the PC. Now you can use the software to play with the track to accentuate the vocals. You'll never be able to totally isolate them but you can remove a lot of the other sound. You can then re-record this new sound file and play it back into your Hi Fi using the line out on the sound card to a line in on the HiFi.
thanks a lot welshboy and others too. so it is not that simple really.


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