Listening on your two feet...


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Why is bass better when i stand up? Really, its a night and day difference. It seems as if the bass frequencies were closer to the roof of the listening room as in a bass cloud ...

Is this a room acoustic mode ?

Speakers are 45 cm from back wall and the left speaker is 70 cm from side wall while the right one doesn't have side wall at all because it's an open area.
Roberto Salazar:
Is this a room acoustic mode ?

Speakers are 45 cm from back wall and the left speaker is 70 cm from side wall while the right one doesn't have side wall at all because it's an open area.

It's possible that you've answered the question yourself.

You might want to try moving the BR5s closer to the wall - a lot closer - try 20-25cm and toe them in a little, just a few degrees. See if that helps.
Better in what sense?

May only be that the tweeters are not ear-height when you stand up, as the bass would overshadow the other freq. ranges
MMmm, let's say it's just there. It sounds balanced and warm (when standing up) after that back on the couch it sounds lean and bright.
Roberto Salazar:MMmm, let's say it's just there. It sounds balanced and warm (when standing up) after that back on the couch it sounds lean and bright.
Lean and bright are not descriptions typically used of MA BR5s. It does sound like you've hit a room node. Moving the speakers nearer to the wall will reinforce the bass, try the 20cm mark to start with (it's what MA recommend as a starting point IIRC). Also try the toe-in, just to help focus and also to reduce the chance of bass boominess from having your speakers close to the wall.
It would be interesting to know which is the accurate presentation, the bassy sound or the ommph-less leaner sound on the couch.
Roberto Salazar:
It would be interesting to know which is the accurate presentation, the bassy sound or the ommph-less leaner sound on the couch.

Whichever you prefer
scene:drummerman:You could adopt the mission inverted tweeter/woofer arrangement ... Not sure that would work with the BR5s...

If you place the saw precisely ...
scene:drummerman:You could adopt the mission inverted tweeter/woofer arrangement ... Not sure that would work with the BR5s...

If you place the saw precisely ...

Roberto Salazar:MMmm, let's say it's just there. It sounds balanced and warm (when standing up) after that back on the couch it sounds lean and bright.

You Said in forums Before a bout RA1520 with MA Br5:

I.The bass is not overblown and the highs are sweeter. Harshness is gone.

The mids is hard to tell. But overall it has more composure and finesse.

II.If budget allows, i would recommend to go for the 1520. For me the diference was worth it.

The RA-06 (no SE) and the BR5 in my experience have a forward almost harsh presentation.

Most of the time it sounds In your face and i tend to have the remote close by to lower the volume in exciting passages.

A warm, laid back source is a nice option. From what i researched Arcam or Rega.

On the other hand the 1520 is sweeter and with much more composure.

In my opinion MA BR5 Isn't good match with Rotel RA1520 or RA06,it's true?
Roberto Salazar:MMmm, let's say it's just there. It sounds balanced and warm (when standing up) after that back on the couch it sounds lean and bright.

You Said in forums Before a bout RA1520 with MA Br5:

I.The bass is not overblown and the highs are sweeter. Harshness is gone.

The mids is hard to tell. But overall it has more composure and finesse.

II.If budget allows, i would recommend to go for the 1520. For me the diference was worth it.

The RA-06 (no SE) and the BR5 in my experience have a forward almost harsh presentation.

Most of the time it sounds In your face and i tend to have the remote close by to lower the volume in exciting passages.

A warm, laid back source is a nice option. From what i researched Arcam or Rega.

On the other hand the 1520 is sweeter and with much more composure.

In my opinion MA BR5 Isn't good match with Rotel RA1520 or RA06,it's true?

Similar problem to me. Sitting in what should be the sweetspot was a bit lean, but when I stood up everything was in good balance with proper bass presence and good integration across the frequency range.

I spent a lot of time fiddling with speaker position (distance from the wall rather than toe in). Closer to the wall with/without port plugs, etc., etc.

Eventually I compromised by setting it up for listening from the couch, which isn't at the apex of the theoretically ideal triangle, (adding different cables and having the stands use spikes onto shoes) sacrificing a bit of soundstage for a bit of allround balance.

I can suggest you try as many variations as you can think of and try to find a compromise that works out ok, and maybe resign yourself that you won't be able to get it absolutely perfect.

I did consider placing my speakers on the stand upside down, but I decided I'd be sacrificing treble by not having the tweeters around ear level.
When i say that the 1520 sounds lean and bright is in contrast with the sound perceived when standing up.

I don't think BR5 and 1520 are THE Perfect Match what i am talking about are about the perceived differences between one amp and the other with the same kit.

Having owned a RA-06 and now 1520 i can tell that the musical experience is much more satisfaying now and to my ears worth the upgrade.

The description of the 1520 is against the RA-06 and that's that.
Roberto, I noticed the same thing in my room. Do you have a slanted ceiling in your room? I do and I think this could be the problem as the speakers are opposite the slanted ceiling. Perhaps some acoustic treatment is necessary, but I have no idea what to start with.
I donït have a slanted roof and also have no clue iïll try and demo different speakers at home for experimenting purposes.
Just experiment around a bit. Here's another one, when sitting with feet firmly on the ground and you lift them off the bass will seem noticably reduced.

It just might be you're getting used to your system as well. I wouldn't be too bothered.
Just experiment around a bit. Here's another one, when sitting with feet firmly on the ground and you lift them off the bass will seem noticably reduced.

Do you have a wooden / suspended floor? If so, this is probably the reason for this as you're picking up bass vibrations transmitted along the floorboards / joists. Probably won't happen with a concrete floor...