linn or rega


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Who can comment which would be the better buy

a Rega P9 or Linn LP12 Majik

Here in Germany people say the Rega arm certainly is better, but I can't find a dealer having both tt to check the sound and also supposed both tt have the same cartridge.

This LP 12 is cheaper anyway.

I would be upgrading from a RegaP3/Heed Orbit1

Edgar from Germany
the real answer is listen, if that means 2 dealers then it's 2 dealers.

From a personal view point, if like what the P3/orbit does, then the 9 is that, and so much more, more of everything (I wish I could afford a P9). It is also very possible that if you like the 3 and 9, then the Linn Majik will just not meet with your requirements, as they are very different sounding decks. Can a throw a alternate thought into the pot as well, when you go to hear the P9, try and hear the P7, and use the price difference to put a Rega los into the mix. The Avid decks may very well suit your needs as well, and will hopefully also be eflecting the poor state of the GBP against the Euro.

Personally I would teake the P9,
The LP12 will demand constant upgrades and tune-ups, services etc and will take over your life worrying about whether it is bouncing correctly or if everything is correctly aligned and 'in tune'.

The Rega will be a plug-n-play source that makes no further demands of your pocket or time in future except a new belt every ten years or a new stylus/cartridge now and then.

You are already used to the Rega sound and the P9 will simply be the ultimate refinement of what you are used to already.

Neither deck has a reputation for 'party tricks' like vast, carvernous soundstage or pinpoint imaging but both are incredibly musical and 'right' sounding. (I have heard both) The P9 package is likely to have better speed stability due to the expensive dedicated electronics whereas the Majik LP12 is the most basic Linn can offer (not even a lid unless you pay a lot extra) and the assumption is that you will upgrade it as you go along. (You may get better value buying a better specified, used LP12 and keeping some budget back for a good service from a factory trained dealer.)

The P9 is a completely executed design whereas the Majik LP12 is a bare-bones 'Sondek starter kit'.

I would not go for either. I would get a Cherry wood finish Rega P5 + TT-PSU + Rega tungsten counterweight and spend the change on a better phono stage and cartridge and more LPs. I think a 'maxed out P5' is where the "law of diminishing returns" curve starts to flatten out. For triple the price of the P5 + TT-PSU you are probably going to get a 20 percent better sound with the P9.
I have a Rega P5 with TTPSU and the Exact cart and we did AB testing with Nirvana unplugged in New York and it was over against my Cyrus 8 SE with PSX 5 seconds in, as soon as Kirk says not many people own it and takes his first strum it was lights out for the CD player and that was without hours and a cheap Rega Phono-mini. I now have the fono from Rega. Love it


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