Leema is having laugh-a!

Update on the Leema/RS6 combo.

It's fair to say that on paper at least, the Pulse and MAs aren't the greatest of matches. In reality, some may say the same.

Well, I've had the RS6s for over a week now and first impressions were encouraging. All the virtues of both products are firmly in tact: tight, fast bass; detailed mids and upper frequencies; huge bottom end punch; imaging and timing are spot-on.

As I've mentioned before, I'm hugely impressed the way the Pulse grips the RS6s huge lower frequencies: I was expecting, in my fairly compact living room a welter of bass - but no. it's the closest thing I've heard to a standmounter in the way it latches onto bass notes; spin Hendrix's 'Voodoo Doll' and it is mind blowing. Probably the closest I've heard (if you can make such comparisons) to wearing headphones - it's astonishing.

The only real deficiency is a lack of vocal initimacy: when playing Norah Jones, her voice doesn't seem to have the texture of the Arcam or Creek, but that is a pure synergy thing as opposed to a component demerit.

A little surprising, also, is the way the RS6 metal dome tweeter deals with the lively amp. Although the highs are high, they don't grate, even when artists like Kate Bush is played loudly.

So would I recommend the Pulse and RS6 speakers? Yes and no is the answer. They work extremely well together, and however good the virtues, there is something that just doesn't fully click. I still love it...
Oh well. If you want to swap out your Pulse, I've still got my A65+ boxed in the loft.
Well, based on recent experience, I offer two pieces of advice:

1. Experiment with those fun-filled items that come under the heading of 'accessories' and try different positions (oooer, missus!) and toeing-in of the speakers.

2. Keep saving and try the £1k+ price bracket of speakers (True Blue may well be spot on).

I was surprised by the effect that both of the above can have. Based on what you have said about the hybrid beastie you now have, I reckon it deserves better speakers than you can currently afford to splash out on. So you've saved yourself another adventure for later in 2011...

Well, based on recent experience, I offer two pieces of advice:

1. Experiment with those fun-filled items that come under the heading of 'accessories' and try different positions (oooer, missus!) and toeing-in of the speakers.

2. Keep saving and try the £1k+ price bracket of speakers (True Blue may well be spot on).

I was surprised by the effect that both of the above can have. Based on what you have said about the hybrid beastie you now have, I reckon it deserves better speakers than you can currently afford to splash out on. So you've saved yourself another adventure for later in 2011...

Don't get wrong, in many respects, it's the best thing I've ever heard, but just feel that both excel in too many of the same areas to be perfect. Personally, I prefer the vocals to ebb slightly and the midrange to have a tad more warmth. I'm a picky so-and-so...

Indeed as TB and your good self say, it will need better quality speakers. For the timebeing, I'm loving the clarity, detail and the overall musicality.
plastic penguin:

Don't get wrong, in many respects, it's the best thing I've ever heard, but just feel that both excel in too many of the same areas to be perfect. Personally, I prefer the vocals to ebb slightly and the midrange to have a tad more warmth. I'm a picky so-and-so...

Indeed as TB and your good self say, it will need better quality speakers. For the timebeing, I'm loving the clarity, detail and the overall musicality.


Nothing wrong with being picky - it's called having high standards.
As I said in a previous post..."Never Look Back!"

EDIT: Did I mention that I brought my Marantz KI Sig combo back in from the cold and that they sounded pretty darned good in comparison with the Primares? Not quite as good, but close enough to make me wonder. Dangerous.

As I said in a previous post..."Never Look Back!"

EDIT: Did I mention that I brought my Marantz KI Sig combo back in from the cold and that they sounded pretty darned good in comparison with the Primares? Not quite as good, but close enough to make me wonder. Dangerous.

Very dangerous indeed. Yup, the Arc has the midrange missing from the Leema. In every other respect I'm soooooo pleased to have bought the Pulse. The Arcam is excellent all-rounder for the money, but it sounds 'narrow' in comparison. What I mean is it doesn't have the sparkle, the 3 dimensional soundstage and a little flat - ah, and the bass is slightly boxy.

To summarise, if you want an easy-going, intimate sound then Arcam will do that job wonderfully. If, on the other hand, you want precision, pace, dynamics, punch etc etc then the Pulse is significantly better. Phew, I knew I shouldn't of done that but had this little man gnoring away inside my head saying, "Go on my son, what've got to lose? Hang the outcome".

As I originally said, it is a PURE synergy problem and not component.

I'm now laying down with a cold flannel over the forehead.
plastic penguin:ESP2009:

As I said in a previous post..."Never Look Back!"

EDIT: Did I mention that I brought my Marantz KI Sig combo back in from the cold and that they sounded pretty darned good in comparison with the Primares? Not quite as good, but close enough to make me wonder. Dangerous.

Very dangerous indeed. Yup, the Arc has the midrange missing from the Leema. In every other respect I'm soooooo pleased to have bought the Pulse. The Arcam is excellent all-rounder for the money, but it sounds 'narrow' in comparison. What I mean is it doesn't have the sparkle, the 3 dimensional soundstage and a little flat - ah, and the bass is slightly boxy.

To summarise, if you want an easy-going, intimate sound then Arcam will do that job wonderfully. If, on the other hand, you want precision, pace, dynamics, punch etc etc then the Pulse is significantly better. Phew, I knew I shouldn't of done that but had this little man gnoring away inside my head saying, "Go on, my son what've got to lose? Hang the outcome".

As I originally said, it is a PURE synergy problem and not component.

I understand what you mean. Before I really started to consider hifi upgrades, I listened to an Arcam system (not a cheap one) and thought it a tad warm and relaxed - a nice mug of Ovaltine at bedtime. The sound was fullsome and certainly pleasant, but it just did not appeal to me. If you could just harness that mellow sound and successfully marry it to something with more sparkle and dynamism...

But then, I am sure others will disagree.
I've been thinking about the description you gave of your SQ with the new speakers, Mr P. As you may remember (and you can see from my signature) I'm another member of the Leema club!

I'm happy to say that when I play Norah Jones, she does actually sound as if she's in the room with me 🙂 In fact, the Leema and 21L2s (very unfashionable, I know, but available for good prices because of it) are wonderful with intimate music of any kind. The sound stage is amazing and the improvement over my old 12LS is chalk and cheese. I don't like large-scale music quite so much as there's a bit of hardness - rather the other side of the coin from your experience, perhaps? Anyway, the Quads would make an interesting listen if you get the chance.

My other upgrade, of course, was to go from an Arcam CD-72 to the Saturn. That transformed a perfectly pleasant mix to a much more detailed, three-dimensional one. I think you said you were considering going down the computer route rather than upgrade your player, perhaps? Anyway, I think you could squeeze more out of the Leema with a better source.

I'm following your upgrade path with interest and it's great that you're so happy with the present set-up. Apologies for encouraging you to part with more cash!!!

I've been thinking about the description you gave of your SQ with the new speakers, Mr P. As you may remember (and you can see from my signature) I'm another member of the Leema club!

I'm happy to say that when I play Norah Jones, she does actually sound as if she's in the room with me 🙂 In fact, the Leema and 21L2s (very unfashionable, I know, but available for good prices because of it) are wonderful with intimate music of any kind. The sound stage is amazing and the improvement over my old 12LS is chalk and cheese. I don't like large-scale music quite so much as there's a bit of hardness - rather the other side of the coin from your experience, perhaps? Anyway, the Quads would make an interesting listen if you get the chance.

My other upgrade, of course, was to go from an Arcam CD-72 to the Saturn. That transformed a perfectly pleasant mix to a much more detailed, three-dimensional one. I think you said you were considering going down the computer route rather than upgrade your player, perhaps? Anyway, I think you could squeeze more out of the Leema with a better source.

I'm following your upgrade path with interest and it's great that you're so happy with the present set-up. Apologies for encouraging you to part with more cash!!!

No apologies needed. I am toying with the download route, although I suspect I'll stick with tried and tested sources of CDPs. I have enquired regarding the Saturn, but TBVH, there won't realistically be any further upgrades until the New Year, except for maybe cables. Even that is still "shall I, shan't I..." type scenario.
plastic penguin:
Singslinger:Should that be Hendrix's "Voodoo Chile''...?

It's actually "Voodoo Child". See what worry does for you?

Ah thanks. Must have got mixed up with Highway Chile (I think!).

And here I was worried that there actually is a Hendrix song "Voodoo Doll" I wasn't aware of!
I think the problem, plastic bird, is, that almost since day one you commented on the midrange warmth (or lack of it) of your latest acquisition. You continuously used Arcam as a measurement. You've never been entirely happy with the Pulse. - Sure, that could be down to the speakers but I can't help have this feeling that you don't really like the Leema enough. I can't remember what Arcam you had but I think perhaps you should look in that direction but move up the range if, in the end, you decide to come clean with us that is ...

Of course, for the moment, the Leema rules ...
I read into this in a similar vein to drummerman - it doesnt quite sound like the Leema is the answer you were looking for yet. Sure it does some things better than what you had in Arcam but dont underestimate the importance of the midrange to your listening pleasure.

Actually if you get used to a decent make of hifi and really like it - then it can become very hard to move on as there may be elements you miss that your old system did really well.
Having heard both the Leema Pulse 2 and 3 (and we know PP has the Leema 2.75), I would say that it is a synergy thing. Should PP put together the correct selection of components he will be well happy. I liked the 2 (although it was matched by the Marantz PM66SE KI Sig IMHO) but the 3 (aside from its unfamiliar new looks) was an instant hit. If I hadn't stumbled across the Primare combo I have now, I would probably have bought one - it sounded great with my Marantz CD63 KI Sig and Spendors.

I may be wrong, but let's see what occurs in 2011 - a new pair of mid-range (£1k+) speakers, sufficiently researched will probably result in a truly happy bird.
Drummerman has his usual opinion - where would we be without that
- and he is so wrong. Even if he was HALF right I would keep the Leema/MA combo out of spite...LOL.

What the Arcams do well is absolutely brilliant FOR THE MONEY. It has the vocal intimacy and the slight warmth which is nice on a cold day. What the Arcam doesn't achieve, in direct comparison to the Leema, is make you feel like you want sit and absorb the MUSIC. The Leema makes the music sound (this may sound daft) personal.

This forum would a strange place, almost alien, without DMs input. Love it...

Better speakers, and remember, the last time I heard the Pulse before purchasing was with Spendor SA-1 and MAs GS10s. I think with PMC, Spendor or somthing of that standard, along with a top of the range Arcam CDP or Rega Saturn, should see me home and dry.
You say (regarding the Leema)...

plastic penguin:The only real deficiency is a lack of vocal initimacy: when playing Norah Jones,


plastic penguin:The Leema makes the music sound (this may sound daft) personal.

I don't get how the the sound lacks 'intimacy' and yet sounds 'personal' at the same time.

You also said that ... "What the Arcams do well is absolutely brilliant FOR THE MONEY" . But surely that 'for the money' qualification applies to your old A65? (Hardly a fair comparison with the Pulse.)

When I suggested Arcam (on your other thread) I was not thinking of your A65, but something like the A28 or A38.

If you do end up with the Pulse and SA1s and the Rega Saturn then I am not entirely confident you are going to get the warmth in the midrange and vocals that you seek.

I have heard the SA1s and the Saturn (albeit in completely different systems and not together) and they are not exactly components I would introduce to cure a lack of warmth in the mid-range!

You say (regarding the Leema)...

plastic penguin:The only real deficiency is a lack of vocal initimacy: when playing Norah Jones,


plastic penguin:The Leema makes the music sound (this may sound daft) personal.

I don't get how the the sound lacks 'intimacy' and yet sounds 'personal' at the same time.

You also said that ... "What the Arcams do well is absolutely brilliant FOR THE MONEY" . But surely that 'for the money' qualification applies to your old A65? (Hardly a fair comparison with the Pulse.)

When I suggested Arcam (on your other thread) I was not thinking of your A65, but something like the A28 or A38.

If you do end up with the Pulse and SA1s and the Rega Saturn then I am not entirely confident you are going to get the warmth in the midrange and vocals that you seek.

I have heard the SA1s and the Saturn (albeit in completely different systems and not together) and they are not exactly components I would introduce to cure a lack of warmth in the mid-range!

Understand where you're coming from and I used Norah as an example. Away from vocal based music (Radiohead and other power pop music and big band stuff) it is fabulous. Even on vocal music the gap isn't wide, it's pretty subtle.

Again, because I tested the Pulse with SA-1s doesn't mean I'm looking at them as the answer. Did say at the time to Igglebert that, although very impressive, they didn't produce enough bottom end for my liking, even when hooked to the Caspian. However, they were a good yardstick and a speaker to aspire to if I'm looking at the balance of the system as a whole.

As it stands my current system is 8/10ths ideal. Every upgrade I've made over the past 31 years has evolved "bit at a time."