Cistron:You clearly must have studied meteorology
and archeology. Have ever read
anything about the influence of green house gases? Wait ... no need for reading, watching 'Home' or 'Age of Stupid' would have been enough to know better.Sorry, don't watch TV. And yes, I have my degrees in meteors and arches.
And yes, I believe that even turning off a single amplifier will make a difference.Then go ahead and turn off your amp. When it comes to judgement day and we'all burning up and God saves you for turning your amp off like a good little boy, I'll let you poke me and say "told ya".
Let's all just hope we'll all die in a nuclear winter, once war rages because all but a few oil fields are bone-dry.You think World War III will be over oil?
edit: yes, yes, sorry one off. Call me childish, but bigotry and ignoring social responsiblities pushes my buttons. As corny as it sounds, a lot of people are working hard to make this planet a better place. Many sacrifises are made and along comes David from Frank Harvey Hifi in Coventry and proclaims that we'll all die in WWIII anyway, so what's all the fuss about? My criticism is not limited to him. I recycle. I re-use plastic bags. I re-use plastic bottles. I don't drive a car, I cycle. I do my bit. But when it comes to hearing music on MY hi-fi system, that I pay the electric bill for, I'll do as I please.
Hmmmm.....should I add another 4 monoblocks to tri-amp my speakers? That'd be around 7,000 watts consumption flat out......
In my oppinion you should all switch off your amplifiers when you're not listening to music. If you must, give it that half hour warm-up, but don't mock everyone else with a 'it's my electricy bill, what do you care' attitude.So if someone buys a car that does 5mpg, are they not allowed to drive it because it's not up to your expected fuel consumption figures?
From now on, Frank Harvey in Coventry can't do any demo's because we'd be wasting electricity - if we leave the lights off, we'll all be saved.