Laptop as music centre


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all -

I've been looking to buy a min or micro hi-fi recently and was looking at the Denon, Onkyo and Yamaha which all received good reviews from What Hi-Fi. However I don't actually use CDs much any more so got round to thinking I'd use my Apple laptop combined with some speakers instead as all of my music is now in iTunes from ripped CDs I own.

I just wondered whether anyone had an opinion on what I should buy? I don't want to spend too much so was looking at the Audio Engine A2's and A5's or the Acoustic Energy Aego M's. I'm a little concerned the Aego M's might be a little tinny as I'm planning on having a party soon. Does anyone have any advice? My laptop is an older Apple Powerbook G4 but I wouldn't have thought that would make much difference.


The audioengines are fabulous, or at least the A2s are, haven't heard the larger ones. And the macbook will be fine - obviously you can use an airport express into the back of the audioengines if you want to untether music from the laptop, otherwise a 3.5mm jack to either 3.5mm jack or 2 x RCA (I think the audioengine has both types) is all you need.
Great thanks. It's always difficult to decide because they're never in the same shop together to try out! I've heard great things about the Acoustic Energy Aego M's but was worried they might be a little too much of a PC speaker setup and lack a bit of oomph and detail to replace a living room mini hi-fi...
The Audio Engine A5's actually have a power output for the Airport Express.....


But you will have to slip the USA style power adaptor on the Express and make sure the Express will switch voltage automatically.

(John can look at his AX and confirm this)
How? I don't remember a voltage selector?

That is so cool by the way - I suggested to Ashley months back that he should make a new pair of floorstanding ADM that incorporate a slot for AX.......

Not that doing that will make the audioengines very deep, the AX is quit deep itself.....
Ok I checked for you.

The Airport Express 802.11n is rated as.. 100-240V AC, 50-60Hz; input current: 0.2 amps

So it will be fine plugged into the back of the A5's (Although you will need the right slide on adaptor.)
Amazing - thanks so much for all your help. One more question, are the A5's significantly better than the A2's?

I like the size of the A2's but can happily afford to buy the A5's if anyone thinks they're worth it. Remember, I'm using them with a laptop but will keep the setup in my living room, it's not designed to be a desktop system but is meant to replace my hi-fi.


Thanks again.ÿ
chebby:you will need the right slide on adaptor

Which I can't find anywhere, apart from as part of an expensive "travel" kit. Hang on.....

[Edit] Nope, still can't find one. There'll be one out there somewhere, and obv you don't need it to get started.
Hi -Anyone know whether the A5's are worth the extra money over the A2's?


I haven't heard them so can't say, sorry. I would expect them to have greater scale and depth, given their much bigger size. The bigger one doesn't appear to have the AC outlet for Airport Express though, bizarrely...
The A5's? Yes, take a look at the images here -ÿ

Think I'll go ahead and order them as they seem to be the best over all.

Thanks again for all your help..ÿ
I think those look smart.

The analogue output of the Mac and Airport is okay; better than the headphone socket of the Windows PCs I've tried anyway.
Nice one, thanks all. Just need to find the best place to buy them, online preferably. Anyone got any ideas?
Can get them here. No idea if they can be price beaten, but I bought my A2s from here - next day delivery was next day and a couple of weeks later, the power supply to the A2s failed (no light on it). Sent a query in through their online system, got an email a few hours later saying a new PSU unit was being sent direct from their supplier. This arrived the very next day - top service!
I did in fact buy them from and the service was great. The speakers themselves look and feel the business and the sound is fantastic, highly recommended...!


Thanks again everyone for helping someone who knows very little about the subject to buy the perfect piece of kit...! Roll on NYE!ÿ
Im looking in to getting some A5's to fulfill the same need as the original poster. Will they fill my lounge with sound though sufficiently? Its about 10ft by 13ft or so. Dont want something that is going to sound too flimsy really. I play a lot of rock and metal.

Thanks in advance for any feedback. Its pretty much impossible to get a listen of these things in the uk from what i can tell.
Andrew Everard:
chebby:What Hifi have heard them....

And strangely enough that five-star review of a pair of active speakers wasn't greeted with a load of grizzling from the manufacturer about how the test was done. Funny old world, innit?

Bit unnecasary. Mildly amusing, nonetheless.

and yes, most chucklesome.

titter ye!

or dont, its your choice.
Erm, so is the general concesus that these will fill a living room no problem then? Was hoping for some feedback from existing owners really before i shell out £200.



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