igglebert:I'm toying with the idea. I could change for basically no cost. I have a bigger room than I started with when buying the SA1s and am toying with options to beef up the bass a bit. I could get a better sub, something like a used Naim nSub. I could also get a pair of speakers that are able to output greater bass, like the C10. Problem is, I'm kinda attached to my Spens.
Hi Igglebert,
That must be some pair of SA1's you have there if you can 'change for basically no cost'.....
I'd love to know where you are getting your C10's from at that price. I've been thinking about a pair to the last year but have not quite bitten the bullet yet.
And sorry I have not heard them with your amp.
.............Apologies have just seen previous post on whwere you are getting them from. Doh!