I have been less than blown over by the x10 since they replaced my Goldring ns1000 and Grado sr60 About 6 months ago. I have been in the mind to swap back to an over ear design but in a last attempt to see if there was anything I could do without hurting the wallet I got some comply tips to try and my god the difference! I was never completely sure about the fit of the bundled buds and switchingto the comply tips has made the x10 sound so much better. More detail, punchy bass and vocals sounding much more natural.
I would urge anyone with a pair of x10 to try the comply tips; sound is better, isolation is better and for me they are much more comfortable. Think I have saved myself some money! Although there is the thought of a portable headphone amp......
I would urge anyone with a pair of x10 to try the comply tips; sound is better, isolation is better and for me they are much more comfortable. Think I have saved myself some money! Although there is the thought of a portable headphone amp......