nemo78 said:
HI from Singapore!
Today I auditioned these:
Naim 250+282, with focal
Naim SN2, focal
Rega Elicit R with KEF REF 1 (enterprising little devil, the dealer, he got the KEFs on loan for me!)
Roksan Kandy 3, Caspian 2, with high ends B&W floor standers AND their high end stand mounts
And then:
Cayin A88T MKII, Cayin CS100A both Monitor audio gold
I could go on about my reactions to each of the auditions, but here is the short version.
With Naim, Rega, Roksan, it was the same sound I already get with Krell and Ref1 combo. Except each, to varying degress, lack the very tight control of bass that Krell does so well, but on the other hand, they arent as harsh. What I realized was that I didnt want to sacrifice the super resolution and tight bass I already have in my system, UNLESS I hear something truly.... special?
Then I auditioned the Cayins. They blew me away! I dont know if its some trick the dealer did, I am going again now, for another audition but I think its a no brainer. The higher end amp costs about 2k. And weighs 30kg!
IMO. Naim and Focal sound unpleasant together.
- While Rega Elicit and Roksan amps are excellent when used in a system within their own price range, they would be out of their depth driving highend speakers from Kef and B&W (imo)
- What you heard from a Tube Amp was no trick of the dealer....and is why I have been banging on about them. The 30kg weight bodes well, as it's the sign of a robust power supply....though it will also pull a lot of power from the wall socket.
- Will you be demoing with the Refs?....and is the dealer happy that the amp(s) are up to the job, or are you looking at MAs?
- What source and cables were being used?
- Will you be allowed a home dem or ability to return if necessary?
- I look forward to your update.