Bit strange they're different numbers but still.
However, on the subject of JL, they have been going downhill in service recently in my opinion.
My neighbour informs me she went out to buy a Canon cooker last week. JL Price was apparently £200 (!!!) MORE than a small local shop (!!!) AND JL also wanted to charge £9 to remove the old one.
The local shop apparently offered the same cooker for the £200 less, with the same free extended guarantee AND free removal of old one. My neighbour bought it locally after several trips to both JL and the local shop. She's only ever previously bought big goods from JL.
I know of several people who are now finding JL very expensive.
Also, in the last few months they altered their price matching policy to make it very difficult to get a price match. Basically instead of an instant match as previously, from memory, my understanding is that they now insist on you waiting for them to send someone out physically to check the price at the competing shop. I believe this can take up to 10 days, which not only means a wait for you of nearly 2 weeks to get your product (even assuming JL have it in stock - longer if they don't), but also this means that if in the meantime the other shop puts it prices up or sells out then you've also lost the price match as well as the 2 weeks of waiting time.
I would have always bought from JL, but have joined other people I know locally in walking out without a purchase when JL have insisted on their new price match procedure - I quite recently bought a Canon HV30 HD camcorder from Tesco Direct instead of JL after they inisisted on their new procedure. Complaining to management about their refusal to match without sending someone physically out another day, got me nowhere so I took my business elsewhere.
In fact personally, I wouldn't buy from JL again until this procedure is reversed. In my opinion, they've become too cocky on the back off record profits last year and have possibly increased prices and made matching deliberately harder as a result. I'm not going to be bullied by a retailer into paying high prices when I can shop elsewhere.
Its interesting to note that I saw a report the other day suggesting profits are now down at JL.
Its also interesting to note, that some good independant stores are now offering free 5 year Guarantees on all TV's same as JL.