"Better" for whom? When the port on my JBL_Flip_6 loosens up and stops charging all else becomes irrelevant. Unlike your other mobile devices repair and parts are purposefully unavailable. Right out of the box the battery lasts little over ONE HOUR which I've tested and re-confirmed on multiple JBL_Flip devices per generation over half a decade. As with other disgustingly oversized electronics conglomerates Samsung_JBL deflects complaints through third party call centers so there is never resolution to monetary loss nor ecological damage caused by Samsung, (a company owned by insurance companies and chaired by notable billionaire convict Lee_Jae_Yong) . They know your JBL_Flip_6 will be dead in a year and they're happy about it. This is probably the only instance in which I would suggest that short of abstaining from sound, buying a knock-off or fake of the exact same design would be the politically correct thing to do. They're all made in the same place before they're branded and if it lasts you a year you know you got the real thing.