James Bond Movies are Rubbish!


New member
Jun 28, 2007
This one has been on My mind for a while since JD did His one about Elvis, and seeing the recent popularity of top 10 Movies etc I thought it was apt timing for My contribution.

At this point I am going straight out and admitting I really dont care for the Bond Movies with exception for both the Original and New versions of Casino Royal. Not that the 1967 Movie is officially a Bond Movie but it is a classic bit of 60's madness, but for Me,Daniel Craig has portraid the First belivable Bond being a tough, routhless character the befits a Secret Agent.

Right then what You Guys and Girls think? Great or Pants?

(I know I am in for some pelters here From Clare)


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2008
i hope your not trying to convince that any bond inc casino royal is in anyway what being an MI6 agent is like....i dont think so....

its just different levels of 'grittiness' giving a bond fit for thir times and providing entertainment

DC fits with what we expect of a bond post jason bourne

Clare Newsome

New member
Jun 4, 2007
Now that bear-baiting's been outlawed, it seems Clare-baiting season is in full swing....

But i'm not precious about Bond films - I like some, love others, and find all of them entertaining when i'm in the mood. If other people don't then that's fair enough.


New member
Jun 28, 2007
No not trying to say That I dont like them as they offer no sense of realness, just hate the whole way they are made and Playout during the corse of the Movie. They simply dont Grab My attention for long enough to care about what is actually going to happen and the elaberate "Mr Bond this machine is going to kill You!" guff, please! JUST FLIPPING SHOOT HIM!!!


D.J.KRIME:No not trying to say That I dont like them as they offer no sense of realness, just hate the whole way they are made and Playout during the corse of the Movie. They simply dont Grab My attention for long enough to care about what is actually going to happen and the elaberate "Mr Bond this machine is going to kill You!" guff, please! JUST FLIPPING SHOOT HIM!!!

Come on DJ, we all know that 5 million people shouting ' Shoot him' that at the telly on Christmas Day is just what Fatty Cauliflower (or whatever his name is ) wanted.

I do agree that the way we watch this genre has changed post Bourne, but please don't get me onto the third rate interpretations of these excellent books


New member
Dec 5, 2007
They're meant to be a bit silly. I thought that was the whole point. I love the old Bond movies for their OTT plots and villains - particularly Goldfinger, Thunderball, On Her majesty's Secret Service (because it completely strayed from the formula), Octopussy (not that it's good - just that I watched it so many times as a kid). My favourites of the last 15 years are Goldeneye and Casino Royal and it's no surprise that they were made by the same director.


New member
Jun 28, 2007
I agree the Books were fantasic, but I simply can't understand just how the Movies are so popular? Terrible adaptation of the Books, Terrible acting, just God damn awfull!

No wondr they are so popular on Christmas Day, put Me to sleep!

Clare Newsome

New member
Jun 4, 2007
D.J.KRIME:No not trying to say That I dont like them as they offer no sense of realness, just hate the whole way they are made and Playout during the corse of the Movie. They simply dont Grab My attention for long enough to care about what is actually going to happen and the elaberate "Mr Bond this machine is going to kill You!" guff, please! JUST FLIPPING SHOOT HIM!!!

Quote Dr Evil: "Release the unnecessarily slow dipping mechanism"....




I do agree that the way we watch this genre has changed post Bourne, but please don't get me onto the third rate interpretations of these excellent books

I was referring to the Bourne series of books and the manipulation into very watchable but innaccurate films.

The Bond books I read after many of the films and had the same feeling.


New member
Dec 5, 2007
My personal favourite parody was the episode of the Simpsons where Homer goes to work for Hank Scorpio with its brilliant Thunderball ending and the suspiciously James Bond like 'Mr. Bunt'.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
This one has been on My mind for a while since JD did His one about Elvis, and seeing the recent popularity of top 10 Movies etc I thought it was apt timing for My contribution.

At this point I am going straight out and admitting I really dont care for the Bond Movies with exception for both the Original and New versions of Casino Royal. Not that the 1967 Movie is officially a Bond Movie but it is a classic bit of 60's madness, but for Me,Daniel Craig has portraid the First belivable Bond being a tough, routhless character the befits a Secret Agent.

Right then what You Guys and Girls think? Great or Pants?

(I know I am in for some pelters here From Clare)

I mentioned in another "Ten films" post that I have not seen a whole James Bond film in my 35 years. Possibly an hour in total. 40 mins of that are from the latest one. I watched it purely to see how good my subwoofer was! It passed the test but the poker scene certainly did not. Pure drivel. The Bourne trilogy was brilliant by the way, so I can deal with action but it needs to be fairly beliveable.


This one has been on My mind for a while since JD did His one about Elvis, and seeing the recent popularity of top 10 Movies etc I thought it was apt timing for My contribution.

At this point I am going straight out and admitting I really dont care for the Bond Movies with exception for both the Original and New versions of Casino Royal. Not that the 1967 Movie is officially a Bond Movie but it is a classic bit of 60's madness, but for Me,Daniel Craig has portraid the First belivable Bond being a tough, routhless character the befits a Secret Agent.

Right then what You Guys and Girls think? Great or Pants?

(I know I am in for some pelters here From Clare)

I mentioned in another "Ten films" post that I have not seen a whole James Bond film in my 35 years. Possibly an hour in total. 40 mins of that are from the latest one. I watched it purely to see how good my subwoofer was! It passed the test but the poker scene certainly did not. Pure drivel. The Bourne trilogy was brilliant by the way, so I can deal with action but it needs to be fairly beliveable.

The Bourne series is believable yes, as good as the books ? No

I don't remember The Bishop of Bath and Wells being in Casino Royale though ?


New member
Jun 28, 2007

This one has been on My mind for a while since JD did His one about Elvis, and seeing the recent popularity of top 10 Movies etc I thought it was apt timing for My contribution.

At this point I am going straight out and admitting I really dont care for the Bond Movies with exception for both the Original and New versions of Casino Royal. Not that the 1967 Movie is officially a Bond Movie but it is a classic bit of 60's madness, but for Me,Daniel Craig has portraid the First belivable Bond being a tough, routhless character the befits a Secret Agent.

Right then what You Guys and Girls think? Great or Pants?

(I know I am in for some pelters here From Clare)

I mentioned in another "Ten films" post that I have not seen a whole James Bond film in my 35 years. Possibly an hour in total. 40 mins of that are from the latest one. I watched it purely to see how good my subwoofer was! It passed the test but the poker scene certainly did not. Pure drivel. The Bourne trilogy was brilliant by the way, so I can deal with action but it needs to be fairly beliveable.

Looks Like I am not alone in thinking Bond Movies are rubbish!


Clare Newsome:
I don't want believability (from that sort of movie, anyhow), I want escapist entertainment!

Coleridge had it right a couple of hundred years ago....

Nice to see a romance poet who didn't die a rock'n'roll death.

I'm with you on the escapism. Breaking the 4th wall is a tricky thing.


Clare Newsome:
I don't want believability (from that sort of movie, anyhow), I want escapist entertainment!

Coleridge had it right a couple of hundred years ago....

I don't mind suspending disbelief, but I do object to the suspension of common sense or the laws of physics. Both of these are common place in Bond movies, which does not offend me, and the awful MI series, where it does.


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2008
andyb190:Clare Newsome:
I don't want believability (from that sort of movie, anyhow), I want escapist entertainment!

Coleridge had it right a couple of hundred years ago....

I don't mind suspending disbelief, but I do object to the suspension of common sense or the laws of physics. Both of these are common place in Bond movies, which does not offend me, and the awful MI series, where it does.

first MI was good, 2 and 3 rubbish.....


But being a scientist, Tim, you must get really annoyed with all the masterful but physically impossible feats accomplished by the heroes of this genre. It really drives me bonkers. I think the lack of disregard for the laws of physics has helped the Bourne series but the car chase
in the last one is ominous.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2007
i quite agree with the op, with the possible exception of casino royale (yes, the latest one lol!). but then, maybe the fact i cant conjour any of it in my memory means i was pants...

oh, and i so want to make dodgy bond girl name jokes...

...this is killing me.


Fill your boots. As long as there are no god-awful Christmas puns you'll be fine.


New member
Apr 10, 2008
How dare you Mr.Krime

Are some of the films OTT ? Well of course they are, if they where realistic who would go and watch them?

I own all the Ultimate Edition digitally remastered dvd's, some are better than others and there are a few lemons granted but Bond is Bond and long may it continue.

And let's be honest unless your a lady who wouldn't want to be Bond. Exotic places,gadgets,Aston's and the ermm nightlife


New member
Jun 28, 2007

How dare you Mr.Krime

Are some of the films OTT ? Well of course they are, if they where realistic who would go and watch them?

I own all the Ultimate Edition digitally remastered dvd's, some are better than others and there are a few lemons granted but Bond is Bond and long may it continue.

And let's be honest unless your a lady who wouldn't want to be Bond. Exotic places,gadgets,Aston's and the ermm nightlife

Personally I'd rather be Austin Powers than Bond!


Over 2 hours before an embittered and heart felt reply from the Bondies, DJ. I think my mortgage would've been lost there.

Andrew Everard

New member
May 30, 2007
timwileman:i hope your not trying to convince that any bond inc casino royal is in anyway what being an MI6 agent is like....

No, that's Spooks. Except that's MI5, not Nine to Five. So at least now we know that being an intelligence officer bears no similarity to a Dolly Parton song. Or indeed a bad comedy.

(Furrows brow. Mutters 'They've got Harry'. Locks down grid)


New member
Apr 10, 2008
Havn't been back from work long...... or I would of posted sooner.

If it wasn't for Bond they would be no Austin Powers

Oh and I really like the Powers movies as well...... Spice runs off to get some orange sherbert.

I was brought up on Bond films so brings back lots of happy memories........ what ever floats your boat I guess.


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